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In this Notebook, you will write a shape-based gesture classifier (or sometimes called a template-based classifier)—that is, a classifier that measures the similarity between time-series signals. This is in contrast to a feature-based classifier, which extracts features from the signal (e.g., mean, variance, strongest frequency) to train a model for classification. We'll do that in a future notebook.

Importantly, for this assignment, you will be working with pre-segmented data—that is, we'll use the segmentation boundaries from the "ground truth" data collected with the GestureRecorder. This will enable us to focus purely on the classification aspects of this assignment rather than intermixing segmentation + classification.

GestureRecorder data collection

GestureRecorder animated gif showing a sample data collection

We wrote a gesture data collection system composed of two parts (source code):

  1. An Arduino program called LIS3DHGestureRecorder.ino that writes out accelerometer data in a CSV format on Serial: timestamp, x, y, z at ~90 Hz. The program also sends a button state to trigger data recording in the GestureRecorder program, described next.
  2. A Processing program called GestureRecorder.pde, which runs on your Windows, Mac, or Linux machine, reads the Serial data from the Arduino program, and steps you through the gesture data collection process, including: (1) prompting you to perform gestures; (2) saving those gestures to the filesystem (in a directory called GestureLogs). You must download and install Processing for this program to work.

Here's a video demonstration of me using GestureRecorder:

In [1]:
from IPython.lib.display import YouTubeVideo
YouTubeVideo('z9OeVyGdbVY', width=800, height=500)

Using this notebook

The cells are written such that they should be executed in order.

Data from GestureRecorder

This Notebook reads gesture logs from the GestureLogs folder, which must exist in the same dir as this .ipynb. Inside of GestureLogs, you should have one or more sub-directories like JonGestures or FrankGestures, which were created by the GestureRecorder.pde.

We have included one GestureLog folder already called JonGestures. In addition, we have a sample of log files from previous classes in the folder ADXL335GestureLogs; however, these were recorded with the ADXL335 accelerometer rather than the LIS3DH accelerometer. So, normalized versions of the gesture signals should be similar but non-normalized versions will have different y-amplitudes.

The gesturerec package

We wrote the gesturerec package to handle parsing the sensor stream data and to help run basic classification experiments. You can and should look over the code in the gesturerec folder, particularly data.py and experiments.py. Feel free to edit this code!

It might look a bit complicated at first but you'll build up a stronger understanding as you look over this Notebook and start writing analysis and visualization code.

There are three primary data structure objects in gesturerec.data:

  1. At the top level, we have a GestureSet, which contains all of the gesture data for a person.
  2. Each GestureSet object contains a dict() mapping gesture names to trials (recall that in the assignment, you had to collect 5 trials of 11 gestures)
  3. Each Trial object contains the sensor data (SensorData) for that trial, which is the accelerometer data (x, y, z, and a computed magnitude)

Given that there can be multiple loaded gesture sets, we have a global object called map_gesture_sets that maps the gesture set name to the GestureSet object.

Your TODOs

In general, your coding TODOs are marked below with the word TODO. Search for the word "TODO" using your web browser's find functionality (ctrl-f or cmd-f).

  1. Record your own gesture set using GestureRecorder. Name your gesture log folder and put it in GestureLogs
  2. Then visualize and explore the data
  3. Think about, experiment, and write code for preprocessing the data.
  4. Think about, experiment, and write code for comparing two signals and returning a similarity score (lower is better)
  5. Write a k-folds cross-validation method
  6. Run experiments and iterate on your algorithms (take notes on what you've found)
  7. Write-up your results for your gesture set and for others in the course.

You should be able to get above 90% classification accuracies but aim for 100%, of course! :)


How To Navigate This Notebook

I strongly encourage you to install the toc2 extension, which will give you a navigable table of contents (based on markdown) on a side pane and drop-down menu.

Writing Docstrings

To help with commenting your functions, it's helpful to write Docstrings. More here.

Dynamic Time Warping Library

If you choose to explore Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), I recommend fastdtw. You can install this by typing the following in cell:

import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install fastdtw

You could also write your own DTW algorithm from scratch (e.g., link).

About this Notebook

This Notebook was designed and written by Professor Jon E. Froehlich at the University of Washington along with feedback from students. It is made available freely online as an open educational resource at the teaching website: https://makeabilitylab.github.io/physcomp/.

The website, Notebook code, and Arduino code are all open source using the MIT license.

Please file a GitHub Issue or Pull Request for changes/comments or email me directly.


In [2]:
# This cell includes the major classes used in our classification analyses
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np 
import scipy as sp
from scipy import signal
import random
import os

# We wrote this gesturerec package for the class
# It provides some useful data structures for the accelerometer signal
# and running experiments so you can focus on writing classification code, 
# evaluating your solutions, and iterating 
import gesturerec.utility as grutils
import gesturerec.data as grdata
import gesturerec.gesturestream as grstream
from gesturerec.data import SensorData
from gesturerec.data import GestureSet
from gesturerec.experiments import Experiments
from gesturerec.experiments import ClassificationResults
from gesturerec.experiments import TrialClassificationResult

Load the data

In [29]:
# Load the data
root_gesture_log_path = './GestureLogs'

print("Found the following gesture log sub-directories")

gesture_log_paths = grutils.get_immediate_subdirectories(root_gesture_log_path)
map_gesture_sets = dict()
selected_gesture_set = None

for gesture_log_path in gesture_log_paths:
    path_to_gesture_log = os.path.join(root_gesture_log_path, gesture_log_path)
    print("Creating a GestureSet object for path '{}'".format(path_to_gesture_log))
    gesture_set = GestureSet(path_to_gesture_log)
    map_gesture_sets[gesture_set.name] = gesture_set

if selected_gesture_set is None:
    # Since we load multiple gesture sets and often want to just visualize and explore
    # one set, in particular, we set a selected_gesture_set variable here
    # Feel free to change this
    #selected_gesture_set = get_random_gesture_set(map_gesture_sets)
    selected_gesture_set = grdata.get_gesture_set_with_str(map_gesture_sets, "Jon")
    if selected_gesture_set is None:
        # if the selected gesture set is still None
        selected_gesture_set = grdata.get_random_gesture_set(map_gesture_sets);

print("The selected gesture set:", selected_gesture_set)
Found the following gesture log sub-directories
Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\JonGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\JonGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'At Rest' Trial 3 with 889 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.2
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 3.5s

The selected gesture set: './GestureLogs\JonGestures' : 11 gestures and 55 total trials

The map_gesture_sets is a dict object and is our primary data structure: it maps gesture dir names to GestureSet objects. There's truly nothing special here. But we realize our data structures do require a learning ramp-up. Let's iterate through the GestureSets.

In [4]:
print(f"We have {len(map_gesture_sets)} gesture sets:")
for gesture_set_name, gesture_set in map_gesture_sets.items():
    print(f" {gesture_set_name} with {len(gesture_set.get_all_trials())} trials")

# Feel free to change the selected_gesture_set. It's just a convenient variable
# to explore one gesture set at a time
print(f"The selected gesture set is: {selected_gesture_set.name}")
We have 12 gesture sets:
 Amelia with 55 trials
 Anne with 55 trials
 Chris with 55 trials
 Jason with 55 trials
 JonGesturesEasy with 55 trials
 JonGesturesHarder with 55 trials
 Jose with 55 trials
 Kim with 55 trials
 Matt with 55 trials
 Nathalie with 55 trials
 Robin with 55 trials
 Steph with 55 trials
The selected gesture set is: JonGesturesEasy

Preprocess the data

You'll want to write your own preprocessing algorithms in preprocess_signal. The preprocessed data is stored in SensorData's x_p, y_p, z_p, and mag_p while the raw data is x, y, z, and mag.

In [5]:
def preprocess_signal(s):
    '''Preprocesses the signal'''
    # TODO: write your preprocessing code here. We'll do something very simple for now,
    # which is just a mean filter of window size 5. But you'll need to do more!
    # For exampling, explore detrending and diff filtering algs (with different window sizes)
    mean_filter_window_size = 5
    processed_signal = np.convolve(s, 
    return processed_signal

def preprocess_trial(trial):
    '''Processess the given trial'''
    trial.accel.x_p = preprocess_signal(trial.accel.x)
    trial.accel.y_p = preprocess_signal(trial.accel.y)
    trial.accel.z_p = preprocess_signal(trial.accel.z)
    trial.accel.mag_p = preprocess_signal(trial.accel.mag)

for gesture_set in map_gesture_sets.values():
    for gesture_name, trials in gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials.items():
        for trial in trials:

Explore the data

We have some example visualizations to help you explore the data (and the result of your preprocessing algorithms) but we expect that you'll want (and need) to write more. Exploring data is fun!

For this, we'll use the selected_gesture_set variable, which was set during load. You could change it to something else, however, and rerun these cells. For example:

selected_gesture_set = grdata.get_random_gesture_set(map_gesture_sets)


selected_gesture_set = grdata.get_gesture_set_with_str(map_gesture_sets, "Jon")

Plot a random gesture

Let's start by plotting the x, y, z and mag for all the trials of a random gesture for the selected_gesture_set

In [6]:
# For example, 
rand_gesture_name = selected_gesture_set.get_random_gesture_name()

# This is where we actually make the plot.
# subplots allows us to make a nice grid of plots. For example, if you want to
# make a 2,2 grid of plots, change the 1 below to 2,2
fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, figsize=(10, 10)) #figsize is width, height
fig.tight_layout(pad=3) # add vertical spacing
gesture_trials = selected_gesture_set.get_trials_for_gesture(rand_gesture_name)
trial_num = 0
for trial in gesture_trials:
    axes[0].plot(trial.accel.x, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
    axes[1].plot(trial.accel.y, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
    axes[2].plot(trial.accel.z, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
    axes[3].plot(trial.accel.mag, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
    trial_num = trial_num + 1

# set the title and show the legend
axes[0].set_title(selected_gesture_set.name + ": " + rand_gesture_name + " (Accel X)")

axes[1].set_title(selected_gesture_set.name + ": " + rand_gesture_name + " (Accel Y)")

axes[2].set_title(selected_gesture_set.name + ": " + rand_gesture_name + " (Accel Z)")

axes[3].set_title(selected_gesture_set.name + ": " + rand_gesture_name + " (Accel Mag)")

Plot raw and preprocessed signal

In [7]:
# Now let's plot both the raw and processed signal of a random gesture 
# pulled from a random trial. This helps us explore how our preprocessing
# is working
rand_gesture_name = selected_gesture_set.get_random_gesture_name()

# We'll make a 1x2 grid of plots, so pass 1,2 to subplots
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 5)) #figsize is width, height
rand_trial = selected_gesture_set.get_random_trial_for_gesture(rand_gesture_name)

axes[0].plot(rand_trial.accel.mag, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(rand_trial.trial_num))
axes[0].set_title(selected_gesture_set.name + ": " + rand_gesture_name + " (accel mag)")

axes[1].plot(rand_trial.accel.mag_p, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(rand_trial.trial_num))
axes[1].set_title(selected_gesture_set.name + ": " + rand_gesture_name + " (accel mag_p)")
axes[1].legend(); # include semi-colon to hide return output from legend(), <matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x263de45dd30>

Plot giant grid of signals

Now let's go a bit crazy and plot all of the signals in a giant grid. What patterns do you observe? Do the signals look different? Do you think you could write a classifier to differentiate them?

In [8]:
# We are going to make a grid of line graphs with a row for each gesture, so len(mapGestureToTrials) rows
# and a column for each signal type, so 4 columns (one for x, y, z, and mag)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(selected_gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials), 4, 
                         figsize=(20, 3 * len(selected_gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials)))

index = 0
for gesture_name in selected_gesture_set.get_gesture_names_sorted():
    gesture_trials = selected_gesture_set.get_trials_for_gesture(gesture_name)
    trial_num = 1
    for trial in gesture_trials:
        axes[index][0].plot(trial.accel.x, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
        axes[index][1].plot(trial.accel.y, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
        axes[index][2].plot(trial.accel.z, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
        axes[index][3].plot(trial.accel.mag, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
        trial_num = trial_num + 1
    axes[index][0].set_title(gesture_name + " (Accel X)")
    axes[index][1].set_title(gesture_name + " (Accel Y)")
    axes[index][2].set_title(gesture_name + " (Accel Z)")
    axes[index][3].set_title(gesture_name + " (Accel Mag)")
    index = index + 1

Now let's plot all of the accel signals, both raw and processed.

In [9]:
# We are going to make a grid of line graphs with:
# two rows for each gesture (one raw, one processed), so len(mapGestureToTrials) * 2 rows 
# and a column for each signal type, so 4 columns (one for x, y, z, and mag)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(selected_gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials) * 2, 4, 
                         figsize=(20, 5 * 2 * len(selected_gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials)))

index = 0
for gesture_name in selected_gesture_set.get_gesture_names_sorted():
    gesture_trials = selected_gesture_set.get_trials_for_gesture(gesture_name)
    trial_num = 1
    for trial in gesture_trials:
        axes[index][0].plot(trial.accel.x, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
        axes[index][1].plot(trial.accel.y, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
        axes[index][2].plot(trial.accel.z, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
        axes[index][3].plot(trial.accel.mag, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
        axes[index + 1][0].plot(trial.accel.x_p, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
        axes[index + 1][1].plot(trial.accel.y_p, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
        axes[index + 1][2].plot(trial.accel.z_p, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
        axes[index + 1][3].plot(trial.accel.mag_p, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
        trial_num = trial_num + 1
    axes[index][0].set_title(gesture_name + " (accel x)")
    axes[index][1].set_title(gesture_name + " (accel y)")
    axes[index][2].set_title(gesture_name + " (accel z)")
    axes[index][3].set_title(gesture_name + " (accel mag)")
    index = index + 1
    axes[index][0].set_title(gesture_name + " (accel x_p)")
    axes[index][1].set_title(gesture_name + " (accel y_p)")
    axes[index][2].set_title(gesture_name + " (accel z_p)")
    axes[index][3].set_title(gesture_name + " (accel mag_p)")
    index = index + 1

Plot raw vs. preprocessed magnitude

Or maybe we just want to focus on the magnitude of the signal. Is there enough visual salience in here that you think this signal alone is discriminable for classifying gestures?

In [10]:
map_gestures_to_trials = selected_gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials
fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(map_gestures_to_trials), 2, figsize=(20, 5 * len(map_gestures_to_trials)))

index = 0
for gesture_name in selected_gesture_set.get_gesture_names_sorted():
    gesture_trials = map_gestures_to_trials[gesture_name]
    trial_num = 0
    for trial in gesture_trials:
        axes[index][0].plot(trial.accel.mag, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
        axes[index][1].plot(trial.accel.mag_p, alpha=0.7, label="Trial {}".format(trial_num))
        trial_num = trial_num + 1
    axes[index][0].set_title(selected_gesture_set.name + ": Raw " + gesture_name + " (accel mag)")
    axes[index][1].set_title(selected_gesture_set.name + ": Processed " + gesture_name + " (accel mag_p)")

    index = index + 1

Classification experiments

Start analyzing and comparing these gesture signals.Think about:

  • What patterns do you see in the data?
  • What kind of filtering might be useful?
  • How can you best align the signals for comparison? (e.g., hint: scroll down to see the Euclidean distance comparisons)
  • What kind of signal transforms might be useful? (e.g., ffts, derivative waveforms)
  • What is the simplest way we can compare two signals?

K-Fold Cross Validation Methods

In [11]:
# The k-fold cross validation methods

# TODO: write your own kfolds method here
def generate_kfolds(num_folds, gesture_set, seed=None):
    Returns a list of folds where each list item is a dict() with key=gesture name and value=selected trial 
    for that fold. To generate the same fold structure, pass in the same seed value (this is useful for
    setting up experiments)
    num_folds : the number of folds
    gesture_set : the gesture set for splitting into k-folds
    seed : an integer seed value (pass in the same seed value to get the same split across multiple executions)
    # Quick check to make sure that there are numFolds of gesture trials for each gesture
    for gesture_name, trials in gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials.items():
        if num_folds != len(trials):
            raise ValueError("For the purposes of this assignment, the number of folds={} must equal the number of trials for each gesture. Gesture '{}' has {} trials"
                             .format(num_folds, gesture_name, len(trials)))
    # TODO
    list_folds = [] 
    check_folds(list_folds) # for debugging. You can comment this out
    return list_folds # each index of the list represents a fold, which contains a map of gesture names to trials

from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
def generate_kfolds_scikit(num_folds, gesture_set, seed=None):
    Here's an example of generating kfolds using scikit but returning our data structure
    num_folds: the number of folds
    gesture_set: the gesture set for splitting into k-folds
    seed: an integer seed value (pass in the same seed value to get the same split across multiple executions)
    Returns a list of folds where each list item is a dict() with key=gesture name and value=selected trial 
    for that fold. To generate the same fold structure, pass in the same seed value (this is useful for
    setting up experiments). Note that even with the same seed value, this method and generate_kfolds will
    generate different results.
    trials = []
    trial_nums = []
    gesture_names = []
    for gesture_name, gesture_trials in gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials.items():
        for trial in gesture_trials:
    skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=num_folds, shuffle=True, random_state=seed)
    # Iterate through the splits and setup our data structure
    fold_cnt = 0
    list_folds = list()
    for train_idx, test_idx in skf.split(trials, gesture_names):
        cur_fold_map_gesture_to_trial = dict()
        for i in test_idx:
            cur_fold_map_gesture_to_trial[gesture_names[i]] = trials[i]
        fold_cnt += 1
    return list_folds

def print_folds(list_folds):
    Prints out the folds (useful for debugging)
    # print out folds (for debugging)
    fold_index = 0
    if fold_index == 0:
        for fold in list_folds:
            print("Fold: ", fold_index)
            for gesture_name, trial in fold.items():
                print("\t{} Trial: {}".format(gesture_name, trial.trial_num))
            fold_index = fold_index + 1
def check_folds(folds):
    Checks to see that the folds are appropriately setup (useful for debugging)
    Throw an exception if there appears to be a problem
    for test_fold_idx in range(0, len(folds)):
        # check to make sure test data is not in training data
        for test_gesture, test_trial in folds[test_fold_idx].items():
            # search for this test_gesture and trial_num in all other folds
            # it shouldn't be there!
            for train_fold_idx in range(0, len(folds)):
                if test_fold_idx != train_fold_idx:
                    for train_gesture, train_trial in folds[train_fold_idx].items():
                        if test_gesture == train_gesture and test_trial.trial_num == train_trial.trial_num:
                            raise Exception("Uh oh, gesture '{}' trial '{}' was found in both test fold '{}' and\
                                             training fold '{}.' Training folds should not include test data".format(
                                            test_gesture, test_trial.trial_num, test_fold_idx, train_fold_idx))

The matching algorithms

We have a top-level function called run_match_algorithm, which takes in a list of folds (setup for k-fold cross validation) and a "pointer" to a find_closest_match_alg algorithm, which may take one or more arguments (from **kwargs)

In [12]:
from scipy.spatial import distance
import time

def run_matching_algorithm(list_folds, find_closest_match_alg, **kwargs):
    Our primary matching algorithm function that takes in a fold, a matching algorithm, and optional 
    arguments (**kwargs) for that matching alg. Returns a ClassificationResults object
    list_folds : the folds generated by generate_kfolds
    find_closest_match_alg : "pointer" to the closest match function you want to test
    kwargs : optional arguments to pass to find_closest_match_alg
    verbose = False
    if 'verbose' in kwargs:
        verbose = kwargs['verbose']
    fold_index = 0
    map_gesture_name_to_list_results = dict()
    for fold in list_folds:
        if verbose:
            print("\n**FOLD: {}**".format(fold_index))
        correctness_cnt_for_fold = 0
        elapsed_time_for_fold = 0
        for test_gesture_name, test_trial in fold.items():
            template_folds = list_folds[0:fold_index] + list_folds[fold_index + 1:len(list_folds)]
            template_trials = list()
            for fold in template_folds:
                for template_gesture_name, template_trial in fold.items():
            start_time = time.time()
            trial_classification_result = find_closest_match_alg(test_trial, template_trials, **kwargs)
            elapsed_time_in_secs = time.time() - start_time
            trial_classification_result.fold_idx = fold_index
            trial_classification_result.elapsed_time = elapsed_time_in_secs
            elapsed_time_for_fold += elapsed_time_in_secs
            if trial_classification_result.is_correct:
                correctness_cnt_for_fold += 1
            if verbose:
            # track overall results across comparisons
            if test_gesture_name not in map_gesture_name_to_list_results:
                map_gesture_name_to_list_results[test_gesture_name] = list()
        # print out overall fold accuracy
        fold_accuracy = (correctness_cnt_for_fold / len(fold)) * 100;
        if verbose:
            print("COMPLETED FOLD: {} IN {:0.3f} SECS WITH ACCURACY {}/{} ({:0.1f}%)".
                  format(fold_index, elapsed_time_for_fold, correctness_cnt_for_fold, len(fold), fold_accuracy))

        fold_index = fold_index + 1
    classification_result = ClassificationResults(find_closest_match_alg.__name__, 
                                                  map_gesture_name_to_list_results, **kwargs)
    return classification_result

Write your matching algorithms here

We've created two simple matching functions to help you understand the format for our experimental testbed.

In [13]:
def find_closest_match_euclid_raw_x(test_trial, template_trials, **kwargs):
    Example closest match function using euclidean distance and the accelerometer X value
    Note: I'm not saying this is necessarily a *good performing* example but it should run :)
    For a more generic version of this method, see find_closest_match_euclid_signal
    run_matching_algorithm(list_folds, find_closest_match_euclid_raw_x, verbose=True)
    test_trial: the test trial
    template_trials: the template trials
    kwargs: optional arguments for match function
    Returns a TrialClassificationResult
    # Tuple list of trial to score
    n_best_list_tuple = list()
    for template_trial in template_trials:
        # Euclidean distance requires that both arrays are the same length, so we must pad the shorter one
        test_trial_signal = test_trial.accel.x
        template_trial_signal = template_trial.accel.x
        if len(test_trial_signal) > len(template_trial_signal):
            array_length_diff = len(test_trial_signal) - len(template_trial_signal)
            template_trial_signal = np.pad(template_trial_signal, (0, array_length_diff), 'mean')
        elif len(template_trial_signal) > len(test_trial_signal):
            array_length_diff = len(template_trial_signal) - len(test_trial_signal)
            test_trial_signal = np.pad(test_trial_signal, (0, array_length_diff), 'mean')
        # Calculate the Euclidean distance between the two signals
        euclid_distance = distance.euclidean(test_trial_signal, template_trial_signal)

        n_best_list_tuple.append((template_trial, euclid_distance))
    trial_classification_result = TrialClassificationResult(test_trial, n_best_list_tuple) 
    return trial_classification_result

def find_closest_match_euclid_signal(test_trial, template_trials, **kwargs):
    Example closest match function using euclidean distance and a specified
    signal from SensorData (e.g., x, y, z, mag, x_p, y_p, z_p, mag_p)
    This is exactly the same as find_closest_match_euclid_raw_x but more flexible
    in that you can pass a member variable of SensorData in signal_var_name
    run_matching_algorithm(list_folds, find_closest_match_euclid_signal, verbose=True, signal_var_name='x')
    run_matching_algorithm(list_folds, find_closest_match_euclid_signal, verbose=True, signal_var_name='y')
    test_trial: the test trial
    template_trials: the template trials
    kwargs: one required argument for match function
        signal_var_name must be specified and is the member variable of SensorData used for 
        the test (e.g., x, y, z, mag, x_p, y_p, z_p, mag_p )
    Returns a TrialClassificationResult
    if 'signal_var_name' not in kwargs:
        raise Exception("The 'signal_var_name' kwarg must be specified. For example, \"signal_var_name='x'\"") 
    signal_var_name = kwargs['signal_var_name']
    # Tuple list of trial to score
    n_best_list_tuple = list()
    for template_trial in template_trials:
        # Euclidean distance requires that both arrays are the same length, so we must pad the shorter one
        test_trial_signal = getattr(test_trial.accel, signal_var_name)
        template_trial_signal = getattr(template_trial.accel, signal_var_name)
        if len(test_trial_signal) > len(template_trial_signal):
            array_length_diff = len(test_trial_signal) - len(template_trial_signal)
            template_trial_signal = np.pad(template_trial_signal, (0, array_length_diff), 'mean')
        elif len(template_trial_signal) > len(test_trial_signal):
            array_length_diff = len(template_trial_signal) - len(test_trial_signal)
            test_trial_signal = np.pad(test_trial_signal, (0, array_length_diff), 'mean')
        # Calculate the Euclidean distance between the two signals
        euclid_distance = distance.euclidean(test_trial_signal, template_trial_signal)

        n_best_list_tuple.append((template_trial, euclid_distance))
    trial_classification_result = TrialClassificationResult(test_trial, n_best_list_tuple) 
    return trial_classification_result

# TODO: Write your similarity functions here. Write as many as you can brainstorm! :)

# For example, how about writing a DTW-based algorithm here. 
def find_closest_match_dtw(test_trial, template_trials, **kwargs):
    print("Implement this")
def find_closest_match_your_alg_here(test_trial, template_trials, **kwargs):
    print("Implement this too")
    # Remember, your 'scoring' function is whatever *you* want--it could combine distance calculations across
    # x, y, z, and mag--or just one of those signals. And it can use whatever similarity measure you decide upon!
    # What about finding the best alignment between signals before computing a similarity measure?

Running Experiments

In [14]:
# Run experiments
# Note: remember, we want you to write your own generate_kfolds function
# You can use generate_kfolds_scikit instead if you'd like to test other parts of your code 
# but you must eventually write your own kfold split code for the assignment
gesture_set = grdata.get_gesture_set_with_str(map_gesture_sets, "Easy")

# TODO: switch this to generate_kfolds once you've written that method.
# For now, you can use our method `generate_kfolds_scikit`
list_folds = generate_kfolds_scikit(5, gesture_set, seed=5) 

# print out folds (for debugging)

# track multiple experiments
experiments = Experiments()

# run initial experiment
results_x = run_matching_algorithm(list_folds, find_closest_match_euclid_raw_x, verbose=True)
results_x.title = "{}: Euclidean distance with raw x signal".format(gesture_set.name)


# run second experiment 
# just giving you a sense of how you can run and track multiple experiments
results_y = run_matching_algorithm(list_folds, find_closest_match_euclid_signal, verbose=True, signal_var_name='y')
results_y.title = "{}: Euclidean distance with raw y signal".format(gesture_set.name)

# run third experiment 
results_y = run_matching_algorithm(list_folds, find_closest_match_euclid_signal, verbose=True, signal_var_name='z')
results_y.title = "{}: Euclidean distance with raw z signal".format(gesture_set.name)

results_mag = run_matching_algorithm(list_folds, find_closest_match_euclid_signal, verbose=True, signal_var_name='mag')
results_mag.title = "{}: Euclidean distance with raw mag signal".format(gesture_set.name)
Fold:  0
	At Rest Trial: 4
	Backhand Tennis Trial: 3
	Baseball Throw Trial: 1
	Bunny Hops Trial: 0
	Forehand Tennis Trial: 2
	Midair 'S' Trial: 4
	Midair Clockwise 'O' Trial: 0
	Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' Trial: 4
	Midair Zorro 'Z' Trial: 4
	Shake Trial: 1
	Underhand Bowling Trial: 3
Fold:  1
	At Rest Trial: 0
	Backhand Tennis Trial: 2
	Baseball Throw Trial: 4
	Bunny Hops Trial: 2
	Forehand Tennis Trial: 1
	Midair 'S' Trial: 0
	Midair Clockwise 'O' Trial: 3
	Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' Trial: 0
	Midair Zorro 'Z' Trial: 3
	Shake Trial: 4
	Underhand Bowling Trial: 0
Fold:  2
	At Rest Trial: 1
	Backhand Tennis Trial: 4
	Baseball Throw Trial: 2
	Bunny Hops Trial: 1
	Forehand Tennis Trial: 4
	Midair 'S' Trial: 2
	Midair Clockwise 'O' Trial: 1
	Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' Trial: 3
	Midair Zorro 'Z' Trial: 0
	Shake Trial: 3
	Underhand Bowling Trial: 2
Fold:  3
	At Rest Trial: 2
	Backhand Tennis Trial: 1
	Baseball Throw Trial: 0
	Bunny Hops Trial: 3
	Forehand Tennis Trial: 3
	Midair 'S' Trial: 1
	Midair Clockwise 'O' Trial: 4
	Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' Trial: 1
	Midair Zorro 'Z' Trial: 2
	Shake Trial: 0
	Underhand Bowling Trial: 1
Fold:  4
	At Rest Trial: 3
	Backhand Tennis Trial: 0
	Baseball Throw Trial: 3
	Bunny Hops Trial: 4
	Forehand Tennis Trial: 0
	Midair 'S' Trial: 3
	Midair Clockwise 'O' Trial: 2
	Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' Trial: 2
	Midair Zorro 'Z' Trial: 1
	Shake Trial: 2
	Underhand Bowling Trial: 4

**FOLD: 0**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 4 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 19.0 (0.006s)
Correct : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 3 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 1 w/score: 1034.7 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 1 is 'Baseball Throw' Trial 3 w/score: 1257.1 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 0 is 'Bunny Hops' Trial 2 w/score: 298.4 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 2 is 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 3 w/score: 1303.0 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 4 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 3 w/score: 322.6 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 0 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 w/score: 325.1 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 w/score: 225.7 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 4 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 3 w/score: 295.5 (0.005s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 1 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 3 w/score: 656.4 (0.006s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 3 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 4 w/score: 918.6 (0.004s)

**FOLD: 1**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 0 is 'At Rest' Trial 1 w/score: 15.3 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 2 is 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 4 w/score: 803.2 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 4 is 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 4 w/score: 1367.2 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 2 is 'Bunny Hops' Trial 4 w/score: 290.4 (0.005s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 1 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 1 w/score: 1358.6 (0.007s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 0 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 1 w/score: 377.9 (0.005s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 w/score: 340.0 (0.006s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 0 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 w/score: 308.7 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 3 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 4 w/score: 295.5 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 4 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 3 w/score: 515.9 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 0 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 4 w/score: 713.8 (0.004s)

**FOLD: 2**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 1 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 15.3 (0.007s)
Correct : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 4 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 0 w/score: 726.3 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 2 is 'Baseball Throw' Trial 3 w/score: 1160.5 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 1 is 'Bunny Hops' Trial 4 w/score: 334.0 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 4 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 2 w/score: 803.2 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 2 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 3 w/score: 322.3 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 0 w/score: 325.1 (0.005s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 w/score: 462.8 (0.006s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 0 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 3 w/score: 461.1 (0.006s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 3 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 3 w/score: 706.4 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 2 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 1 w/score: 728.4 (0.004s)

**FOLD: 3**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 2 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 37.8 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 1 is 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 0 w/score: 994.4 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 0 is 'Bunny Hops' Trial 2 w/score: 926.0 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 3 is 'Bunny Hops' Trial 4 w/score: 289.6 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 3 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 0 w/score: 1094.9 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 1 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 0 w/score: 377.9 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 w/score: 340.0 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 w/score: 241.1 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 2 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 0 w/score: 523.2 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 0 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 4 w/score: 830.2 (0.002s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 1 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 2 w/score: 728.4 (0.005s)

**FOLD: 4**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 3 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 17.6 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 0 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 4 w/score: 726.3 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 3 is 'Baseball Throw' Trial 2 w/score: 1160.5 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 4 is 'Bunny Hops' Trial 3 w/score: 289.6 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 0 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 1 w/score: 994.4 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 3 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 2 w/score: 322.3 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 w/score: 344.3 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 w/score: 225.7 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 1 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 2 w/score: 584.3 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 2 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 4 w/score: 803.2 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 4 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 0 w/score: 713.8 (0.004s)

Title: JonGesturesEasy: Euclidean distance with raw x signal: 41/55 (74.55%)
Optional arguments: {'verbose': True}
Took 0.223s for 55 comparisons (avg=0.004s per match)
- At Rest 5/5 (100.0%)
- Backhand Tennis 3/5 (60.0%)
- Baseball Throw 3/5 (60.0%)
- Bunny Hops 5/5 (100.0%)
- Forehand Tennis 1/5 (20.0%)
- Midair 'S' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Clockwise 'O' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 4/5 (80.0%)
- Midair Zorro 'Z' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Shake 0/5 (0.0%)
- Underhand Bowling 5/5 (100.0%)
[[5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5]]

**FOLD: 0**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 4 is 'At Rest' Trial 3 w/score: 20.2 (0.005s)
Correct : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 3 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 1 w/score: 1103.5 (0.005s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 1 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 4 w/score: 1746.2 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 0 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 563.4 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 2 is 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 3 w/score: 1271.6 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 4 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 w/score: 918.0 (0.005s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 0 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 w/score: 853.5 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 w/score: 338.4 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 4 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 3 w/score: 923.0 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 1 is 'Shake' Trial 3 w/score: 3709.9 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 3 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 1 w/score: 605.0 (0.003s)

**FOLD: 1**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 0 is 'At Rest' Trial 1 w/score: 13.9 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 2 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 w/score: 1119.4 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 4 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 w/score: 1683.9 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 2 is 'At Rest' Trial 2 w/score: 628.8 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 1 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 1 w/score: 1479.9 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 0 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 1 w/score: 961.2 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 w/score: 549.8 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 0 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 w/score: 609.9 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 3 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 4 w/score: 923.0 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 4 is 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 0 w/score: 4270.6 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 0 is 'At Rest' Trial 3 w/score: 470.5 (0.004s)

**FOLD: 2**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 1 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 13.9 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 4 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 0 w/score: 897.0 (0.005s)
Correct : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 2 is 'Baseball Throw' Trial 0 w/score: 1304.6 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 1 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 607.3 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 4 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 1 w/score: 1411.9 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 2 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 3 w/score: 528.2 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 w/score: 577.1 (0.002s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 0 w/score: 609.9 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 0 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 4 w/score: 1285.7 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 3 is 'Shake' Trial 1 w/score: 3709.9 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 2 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 1 w/score: 523.0 (0.003s)

**FOLD: 3**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 2 is 'At Rest' Trial 1 w/score: 19.7 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 1 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 0 w/score: 1077.0 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 0 is 'Baseball Throw' Trial 3 w/score: 1294.4 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 3 is 'Bunny Hops' Trial 4 w/score: 661.3 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 3 is 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 2 w/score: 1271.6 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 1 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 0 w/score: 961.2 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 w/score: 549.8 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 w/score: 311.1 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 2 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 4 w/score: 1262.2 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 0 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 4 w/score: 5599.6 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 1 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 2 w/score: 523.0 (0.004s)

**FOLD: 4**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 3 is 'At Rest' Trial 1 w/score: 16.5 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 0 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 4 w/score: 897.0 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 3 is 'Baseball Throw' Trial 0 w/score: 1294.4 (0.002s)
Correct : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 4 is 'Bunny Hops' Trial 3 w/score: 661.3 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 0 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 0 w/score: 1145.1 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 3 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 2 w/score: 528.2 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 w/score: 577.1 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 w/score: 311.1 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 1 is 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 1 w/score: 1479.9 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 2 is 'Shake' Trial 1 w/score: 5411.4 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 4 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 0 w/score: 650.0 (0.003s)

**FOLD: 0**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 4 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 23.1 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 3 is 'At Rest' Trial 1 w/score: 434.0 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 1 is 'Baseball Throw' Trial 3 w/score: 649.2 (0.002s)
Correct : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 0 is 'Bunny Hops' Trial 3 w/score: 926.7 (0.002s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 2 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 605.1 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 4 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 2 w/score: 644.8 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 0 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 w/score: 553.9 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 w/score: 263.8 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 4 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 3 w/score: 331.2 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 1 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 845.5 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 3 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 0 w/score: 480.4 (0.003s)

**FOLD: 1**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 0 is 'At Rest' Trial 1 w/score: 20.7 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 2 is 'At Rest' Trial 1 w/score: 314.9 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 4 is 'Baseball Throw' Trial 0 w/score: 742.2 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 2 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 2 w/score: 1353.7 (0.002s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 1 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 1 w/score: 570.9 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 0 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 1 w/score: 387.0 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 w/score: 467.8 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 0 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 w/score: 555.1 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 3 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 4 w/score: 331.2 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 4 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 2 w/score: 810.0 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 0 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 3 w/score: 480.4 (0.003s)

**FOLD: 2**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 1 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 20.7 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 4 is 'At Rest' Trial 2 w/score: 323.0 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 2 is 'Baseball Throw' Trial 0 w/score: 744.1 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 1 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 3 w/score: 1190.1 (0.002s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 4 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 635.0 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 2 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 3 w/score: 399.2 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 w/score: 394.7 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 w/score: 383.5 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 0 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 4 w/score: 431.4 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 3 is 'At Rest' Trial 2 w/score: 1212.0 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 2 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 1 w/score: 485.0 (0.003s)

**FOLD: 3**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 2 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 55.9 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 1 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 4 w/score: 500.8 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 0 is 'Baseball Throw' Trial 4 w/score: 742.2 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 3 is 'Bunny Hops' Trial 0 w/score: 926.7 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 3 is 'At Rest' Trial 1 w/score: 564.9 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 1 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 0 w/score: 387.0 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 w/score: 383.5 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 w/score: 324.2 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 2 is 'At Rest' Trial 1 w/score: 348.9 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 0 is 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 4 w/score: 2358.3 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 1 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 2 w/score: 485.0 (0.003s)

**FOLD: 4**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 3 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 32.9 (0.005s)
Correct : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 0 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 3 w/score: 673.0 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 3 is 'Baseball Throw' Trial 1 w/score: 649.2 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 4 is 'Bunny Hops' Trial 3 w/score: 1363.0 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 0 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 414.1 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 3 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 2 w/score: 399.2 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 w/score: 394.7 (0.002s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 w/score: 263.8 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 1 is 'At Rest' Trial 1 w/score: 489.1 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 2 is 'At Rest' Trial 2 w/score: 1086.1 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 4 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 0 w/score: 561.9 (0.003s)

**FOLD: 0**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 4 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 17.1 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 3 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 1 w/score: 692.4 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 1 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 3 w/score: 991.2 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 0 is 'Bunny Hops' Trial 3 w/score: 837.2 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 2 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 4 w/score: 757.7 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 4 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 3 w/score: 499.6 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 0 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 w/score: 316.5 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 w/score: 308.1 (0.002s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 4 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 3 w/score: 467.9 (0.002s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 1 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 1 w/score: 1679.0 (0.002s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 3 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 4 w/score: 862.3 (0.003s)

**FOLD: 1**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 0 is 'At Rest' Trial 1 w/score: 13.4 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 2 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 4 w/score: 926.9 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 4 is 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 4 w/score: 1146.3 (0.002s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 2 is 'At Rest' Trial 1 w/score: 1307.3 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 1 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 0 w/score: 1053.3 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 0 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 1 w/score: 645.9 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 w/score: 401.4 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 0 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 w/score: 534.5 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 3 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 4 w/score: 467.9 (0.005s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 4 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 4 w/score: 2321.0 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 0 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 4 w/score: 691.3 (0.004s)

**FOLD: 2**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 1 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 13.4 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 4 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 0 w/score: 638.5 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 2 is 'Baseball Throw' Trial 0 w/score: 994.8 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 1 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 0 w/score: 1069.8 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 4 is 'Baseball Throw' Trial 4 w/score: 1146.3 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 2 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 3 w/score: 345.2 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 w/score: 434.8 (0.005s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 w/score: 547.7 (0.005s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 0 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 4 w/score: 488.7 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 3 is 'Shake' Trial 1 w/score: 2149.5 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 2 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 1 w/score: 735.2 (0.004s)

**FOLD: 3**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 2 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 28.6 (0.005s)
Correct : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 1 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 3 w/score: 692.4 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 0 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 4 w/score: 859.0 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 3 is 'Bunny Hops' Trial 0 w/score: 837.2 (0.004s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 3 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 4 w/score: 908.5 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 1 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 4 w/score: 632.3 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 3 w/score: 401.4 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 w/score: 314.5 (0.002s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 2 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 1 w/score: 612.8 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 0 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 4 w/score: 2498.8 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 1 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 2 w/score: 735.2 (0.003s)

**FOLD: 4**
Correct : Best match for 'At Rest' Trial 3 is 'At Rest' Trial 0 w/score: 19.4 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 0 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 4 w/score: 638.5 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Baseball Throw' Trial 3 is 'Baseball Throw' Trial 0 w/score: 1055.3 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Bunny Hops' Trial 4 is 'Bunny Hops' Trial 3 w/score: 1241.4 (0.003s)
Incorrect : Best match for 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 0 is 'Backhand Tennis' Trial 1 w/score: 786.6 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair 'S'' Trial 3 is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 2 w/score: 345.2 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 1 w/score: 448.2 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 w/score: 308.1 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 1 is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 2 w/score: 612.8 (0.003s)
Correct : Best match for 'Shake' Trial 2 is 'Shake' Trial 1 w/score: 2440.0 (0.004s)
Correct : Best match for 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 4 is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 0 w/score: 691.3 (0.003s)

Visualizing Experiment Results

We've written a number of functions to help visualize experimental results. You'll likely want to add more, for example:

  • Visualize incorrect matches. What happened? What could you do to improve your algorithm so these incorrect matches don't occur?
In [15]:
import itertools
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

def plot_bar_graph_average_scores_by_gesture(classification_results):
    Plots the average scores for correct and incorrect matches
    A good matching algorithm should have much lower scores for correct
    matches than incorrect matches (if this is not the case, you'll want to work
    on improving your matching algorithm)
    correct_score_means = []
    incorrect_score_means = []
    gesture_names = classification_results.get_gesture_names()
    for gesture_name in gesture_names:
        scores_correct_matches = np.array(classification_results.get_correct_match_scores_for_gesture(gesture_name))
        scores_incorrect_matches = np.array(classification_results.get_incorrect_match_scores_for_gesture(gesture_name))

        if len(scores_correct_matches) > 0:
        if len(scores_incorrect_matches) > 0:

    # create plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 5))
    index = np.arange(len(gesture_names))
    bar_width = 0.35
    opacity = 0.8

    bars_correct = plt.bar(index, correct_score_means, bar_width, alpha=opacity, color='b', label='Correct')
    bars_incorrect = plt.bar(index + bar_width, incorrect_score_means, bar_width, alpha=opacity, color='g', label='Incorrect')

    plt.ylabel('Average Scores')
    plt.title('Average Scores By Gesture and Correctness\n' + classification_results.get_title())
    plt.xticks(index - bar_width, gesture_names, rotation=45)

def plot_bar_graph_average_nbestlist_location_by_gesture(classification_results):
    Plots the average n-best list location for each gesture
    avg_nbestlist_location = []
    gesture_names = classification_results.get_gesture_names()

    for gesture_name in gesture_names:
        correct_match_indices_in_nbestlist = np.array(classification_results.get_correct_match_indices_in_nbestlist_for_gesture(gesture_name))

    # create plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 5))
    index = np.arange(len(gesture_names))
    # bar_width = 0.35
    opacity = 0.8

    bars_correct = plt.bar(index, avg_nbestlist_location, alpha=opacity, color='b', label='Avg NBest List Location')

    plt.ylabel('Average NBest List Location')
    plt.title('Average NBest List Location By Gesture\n' + classification_results.get_title())
    plt.xticks(index, gesture_names, rotation=45)

def plot_classification_result_as_confusion_matrix(classification_result, normalize=False, cmap=plt.cm.Blues):
    This function prints and plots the confusion matrix.
    Normalization can be applied by setting `normalize=True`.
    Code based on:
      - http://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/model_selection/plot_confusion_matrix.html#sphx-glr-auto-examples-model-selection-plot-confusion-matrix-py
    See also
      - https://stackoverflow.com/a/35572520
      - Plotting with matshow: https://matplotlib.org/gallery/images_contours_and_fields/matshow.html#sphx-glr-gallery-images-contours-and-fields-matshow-py
    cm = classification_result.get_confusion_matrix()
    classes = classification_result.get_gesture_names()
    plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes, classification_result.get_title(), normalize, cmap)
def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes, title, normalize=False, cmap=plt.cm.Blues):
    if normalize:
        cm = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
        # print("Normalized confusion matrix")

    # print(cm)
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
    plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) #imshow displays data on a 2D raster
    tick_marks = np.arange(len(classes))
    plt.xticks(tick_marks, classes, rotation=90)
    plt.yticks(tick_marks, classes)

    fmt = '.2f' if normalize else 'd'
    thresh = cm.max() / 2.
    for i, j in itertools.product(range(cm.shape[0]), range(cm.shape[1])):
        plt.text(j, i, format(cm[i, j], fmt),
                 color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black")

    plt.ylabel('True label')
    plt.xlabel('Predicted label')

def plot_bar_graph_overall_performance(experiments):
    Plots a bar graph of overall performance
    experiments : an Experiments object
    list_experiments = experiments.get_experiments_sorted_by_accuracy();
    n_groups = len(list_experiments)

    experiment_names = [] 
    experiment_accuracies = [] 
    for experiment in list_experiments:

    # create plot
    fig_height = max(n_groups * 0.5, 5)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, fig_height))
    index = np.arange(len(experiment_names))
    # bar_width = 0.35
    opacity = 0.8

    bars = plt.barh(index, experiment_accuracies, alpha=opacity, color='b', zorder=3)
    for i, v in enumerate(experiment_accuracies):
        ax.text(v + 0.01, i, "{:0.2f}".format(v), color='black', fontweight='bold')
    plt.xlabel('Overall Accuracy')
    plt.xlim(0, 1.2)
    plt.title('Overall Accuracy by Experiment')
    plt.yticks(index, experiment_names)

def plot_bar_graph_overall_time(experiments):
    Plots a bar graph of overall computation time per experiment
    experiments : an Experiments object
    list_experiments = experiments.get_experiments_sorted_by_computation_time();
    n_groups = len(list_experiments)

    experiment_names = [] 
    experiment_times = [] 
    for experiment in list_experiments:

    # create plot
    fig_height = max(n_groups * 0.5, 5)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, fig_height))
    index = np.arange(len(experiment_names))
    # bar_width = 0.35
    opacity = 0.8

    bars = plt.barh(index, experiment_times, alpha=opacity, color='b', zorder=3)
    for i, v in enumerate(experiment_times):
        ax.text(v, i, "{:0.2f}".format(v), color='black', fontweight='bold')
    plt.xlabel('Overall Time (secs)')
    plt.xlim(0, list_experiments[-1].total_time * 1.3)
    plt.title('Overall Time (Secs) by Experiment')
    plt.yticks(index, experiment_names)

def plot_bar_graph_avg_time_per_comparison(experiments):
    Plots a bar graph of average computation time per comparison for each experiment
    experiments : an Experiments object
    list_experiments = experiments.get_experiments_sorted_by_avg_time_per_comparison();
    n_groups = len(list_experiments)

    experiment_names = [] 
    experiment_times = [] 
    for experiment in list_experiments:

    # create plot
    fig_height = max(n_groups * 0.5, 5)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, fig_height))
    index = np.arange(len(experiment_names))
    # bar_width = 0.35
    opacity = 0.8

    bars = plt.barh(index, experiment_times, alpha=opacity, color='b', zorder=3)
    for i, v in enumerate(experiment_times):
        ax.text(v, i, "{:0.4f}".format(v), color='black', fontweight='bold')
    plt.xlabel('Average Time per Comparison (secs)')
    plt.xlim(0, list_experiments[-1].get_avg_time_per_comparison() * 1.2)
    plt.title('Average Time per Comparison (Secs) by Experiment')
    plt.yticks(index, experiment_names)

def plot_nbestlist_performance(experiments):
    Plots a line graph of n-best list performance
    experiments : an Experiments object
    list_experiments = experiments.get_experiments_sorted_by_accuracy();
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 8))
    marker = itertools.cycle(('.','o','v','^','<','>','8',
    for experiment in list_experiments:
        nbest_list_performance = experiment.get_nbestlist_performance()
        axes.plot(nbest_list_performance, marker=next(marker), label=experiment.title)
    axes.set_title("Accuracy as a Function of N-Best List Position")
    axes.set_ylabel("Accuracy (%)")
    axes.set_ylim(0, 1.1)
    axes.set_xlabel("N-Best List Position")
In [16]:

Comparing performance across gesture sets

In [17]:
# track multiple experiments
experiments = Experiments()

# Run experiments across all gesture sets
for gesture_set_name, gesture_set in map_gesture_sets.items():
    list_folds = generate_kfolds_scikit(5, gesture_set, seed=5)
    # run initial experiment
    results = run_matching_algorithm(list_folds, find_closest_match_euclid_raw_x, verbose=False)
    results.title = "{}: Euclidean distance with raw x signal".format(gesture_set.name)

avg_accuracy, stddev = experiments.get_avg_accuracy_with_std()
print(f"Average accuracy: {avg_accuracy} Stdev={stddev}")
Title: Amelia: Euclidean distance with raw x signal: 45/55 (81.82%)
Optional arguments: {'verbose': False}
Took 0.177s for 55 comparisons (avg=0.003s per match)
- At Rest 5/5 (100.0%)
- Backhand Tennis 2/5 (40.0%)
- Baseball Throw 4/5 (80.0%)
- Custom 4/5 (80.0%)
- Forehand Tennis 4/5 (80.0%)
- Midair 'S' 3/5 (60.0%)
- Midair Clockwise 'O' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 4/5 (80.0%)
- Midair Zorro 'Z' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Shake 5/5 (100.0%)
- Underhand Bowling 4/5 (80.0%)
[[5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0]
 [0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4]]

Title: Anne: Euclidean distance with raw x signal: 47/55 (85.45%)
Optional arguments: {'verbose': False}
Took 0.157s for 55 comparisons (avg=0.003s per match)
- At Rest 5/5 (100.0%)
- Backhand Tennis 5/5 (100.0%)
- Baseball Throw 4/5 (80.0%)
- Custom 5/5 (100.0%)
- Forehand Tennis 2/5 (40.0%)
- Midair 'S' 4/5 (80.0%)
- Midair Clockwise 'O' 4/5 (80.0%)
- Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Zorro 'Z' 4/5 (80.0%)
- Shake 4/5 (80.0%)
- Underhand Bowling 5/5 (100.0%)
[[5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]
 [0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0]
 [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5]]

Title: Chris: Euclidean distance with raw x signal: 41/55 (74.55%)
Optional arguments: {'verbose': False}
Took 0.176s for 55 comparisons (avg=0.003s per match)
- At Rest 5/5 (100.0%)
- Backhand Tennis 5/5 (100.0%)
- Baseball Throw 3/5 (60.0%)
- Custom 5/5 (100.0%)
- Forehand Tennis 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair 'S' 4/5 (80.0%)
- Midair Clockwise 'O' 4/5 (80.0%)
- Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 2/5 (40.0%)
- Midair Zorro 'Z' 2/5 (40.0%)
- Shake 1/5 (20.0%)
- Underhand Bowling 5/5 (100.0%)
[[5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0]
 [0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0]
 [1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0]
 [3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0]
 [4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5]]

Title: Jason: Euclidean distance with raw x signal: 49/55 (89.09%)
Optional arguments: {'verbose': False}
Took 0.149s for 55 comparisons (avg=0.003s per match)
- At Rest 5/5 (100.0%)
- Backhand Tennis 5/5 (100.0%)
- Baseball Throw 5/5 (100.0%)
- Custom 5/5 (100.0%)
- Forehand Tennis 3/5 (60.0%)
- Midair 'S' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Clockwise 'O' 4/5 (80.0%)
- Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Zorro 'Z' 3/5 (60.0%)
- Shake 4/5 (80.0%)
- Underhand Bowling 5/5 (100.0%)
[[5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5]]

Title: JonGesturesEasy: Euclidean distance with raw x signal: 41/55 (74.55%)
Optional arguments: {'verbose': False}
Took 0.270s for 55 comparisons (avg=0.005s per match)
- At Rest 5/5 (100.0%)
- Backhand Tennis 3/5 (60.0%)
- Baseball Throw 3/5 (60.0%)
- Bunny Hops 5/5 (100.0%)
- Forehand Tennis 1/5 (20.0%)
- Midair 'S' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Clockwise 'O' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 4/5 (80.0%)
- Midair Zorro 'Z' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Shake 0/5 (0.0%)
- Underhand Bowling 5/5 (100.0%)
[[5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5]]

Title: JonGesturesHarder: Euclidean distance with raw x signal: 18/55 (32.73%)
Optional arguments: {'verbose': False}
Took 0.168s for 55 comparisons (avg=0.003s per match)
- At Rest 2/5 (40.0%)
- Backhand Tennis 0/5 (0.0%)
- Baseball Throw 0/5 (0.0%)
- Bunny Hops 3/5 (60.0%)
- Forehand Tennis 0/5 (0.0%)
- Midair 'S' 2/5 (40.0%)
- Midair Clockwise 'O' 3/5 (60.0%)
- Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 2/5 (40.0%)
- Midair Zorro 'Z' 2/5 (40.0%)
- Shake 1/5 (20.0%)
- Underhand Bowling 3/5 (60.0%)
[[2 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0]
 [1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0]
 [0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0]
 [1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0]
 [0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0]
 [1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0]
 [0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3]]

Title: Jose: Euclidean distance with raw x signal: 45/55 (81.82%)
Optional arguments: {'verbose': False}
Took 0.155s for 55 comparisons (avg=0.003s per match)
- At Rest 5/5 (100.0%)
- Backhand Tennis 3/5 (60.0%)
- Baseball Throw 4/5 (80.0%)
- Forehand Tennis 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair 'S' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Clockwise 'O' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Zorro 'Z' 2/5 (40.0%)
- Running Man 4/5 (80.0%)
- Shake 2/5 (40.0%)
- Underhand Bowling 5/5 (100.0%)
[[5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1]
 [0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5]]

Title: Kim: Euclidean distance with raw x signal: 40/55 (72.73%)
Optional arguments: {'verbose': False}
Took 0.146s for 55 comparisons (avg=0.003s per match)
- At Rest 5/5 (100.0%)
- Backhand Tennis 3/5 (60.0%)
- Baseball Throw 0/5 (0.0%)
- Custom 5/5 (100.0%)
- Forehand Tennis 3/5 (60.0%)
- Midair 'S' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Clockwise 'O' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 4/5 (80.0%)
- Midair Zorro 'Z' 4/5 (80.0%)
- Shake 2/5 (40.0%)
- Underhand Bowling 4/5 (80.0%)
[[5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0]
 [0 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [1 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0]
 [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0]
 [0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0]
 [0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4]]

Title: Matt: Euclidean distance with raw x signal: 42/55 (76.36%)
Optional arguments: {'verbose': False}
Took 0.167s for 55 comparisons (avg=0.003s per match)
- At Rest 5/5 (100.0%)
- Backhand Tennis 2/5 (40.0%)
- Baseball Throw 4/5 (80.0%)
- Custom 5/5 (100.0%)
- Forehand Tennis 3/5 (60.0%)
- Midair 'S' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Clockwise 'O' 3/5 (60.0%)
- Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 3/5 (60.0%)
- Midair Zorro 'Z' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Shake 4/5 (80.0%)
- Underhand Bowling 3/5 (60.0%)
[[5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [1 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0]
 [0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3]]

Title: Nathalie: Euclidean distance with raw x signal: 41/55 (74.55%)
Optional arguments: {'verbose': False}
Took 0.152s for 55 comparisons (avg=0.003s per match)
- At Rest 5/5 (100.0%)
- Backhand Tennis 5/5 (100.0%)
- Baseball Throw 2/5 (40.0%)
- Custom 3/5 (60.0%)
- Forehand Tennis 4/5 (80.0%)
- Midair 'S' 3/5 (60.0%)
- Midair Clockwise 'O' 4/5 (80.0%)
- Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 4/5 (80.0%)
- Midair Zorro 'Z' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Shake 1/5 (20.0%)
- Underhand Bowling 5/5 (100.0%)
[[5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0]
 [2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0]
 [4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5]]

Title: Robin: Euclidean distance with raw x signal: 42/55 (76.36%)
Optional arguments: {'verbose': False}
Took 0.162s for 55 comparisons (avg=0.003s per match)
- At Rest 4/5 (80.0%)
- Backhand Tennis 5/5 (100.0%)
- Baseball Throw 2/5 (40.0%)
- Custom 3/5 (60.0%)
- Forehand Tennis 4/5 (80.0%)
- Midair 'S' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Clockwise 'O' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 3/5 (60.0%)
- Midair Zorro 'Z' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Shake 2/5 (40.0%)
- Underhand Bowling 4/5 (80.0%)
[[4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [1 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0]
 [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1]
 [0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4]]

Title: Steph: Euclidean distance with raw x signal: 37/55 (67.27%)
Optional arguments: {'verbose': False}
Took 0.176s for 55 comparisons (avg=0.003s per match)
- At Rest 5/5 (100.0%)
- Backhand Tennis 1/5 (20.0%)
- Baseball Throw 2/5 (40.0%)
- Forehand Tennis 3/5 (60.0%)
- Midair 'S' 2/5 (40.0%)
- Midair Clockwise 'O' 4/5 (80.0%)
- Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Midair Zorro 'Z' 5/5 (100.0%)
- Salute (Custom Gesture) 4/5 (80.0%)
- Shake 3/5 (60.0%)
- Underhand Bowling 3/5 (60.0%)
[[5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0]
 [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0]
 [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0]
 [0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3]]
Average accuracy: 0.7393939393939394 Stdev=0.13673350512337548
In [18]:
avg_accuracy, stddev = experiments.get_avg_accuracy_with_std()
print(f"Average accuracy: {avg_accuracy} Stdev={stddev}")
Average accuracy: 0.7393939393939394 Stdev=0.13673350512337548


Everything below here is a Sandbox for you to play. You could do this in another Jupyter Notebook but I often have some cells at the bottom of my notebook that let's me experiment with and play with Python and the numpy, scipy, etc. libraries. I've added some example playground cells that I used when making the assignment.

Feel free to delete all of these cells but I thought they might be informative for you.

In [19]:
# Demonstration of numpy arithmetic array operations
import numpy as np
x = np.array([1,2,3])
y = np.array([1,2,3])
z = np.array([1,2,3])

sum1 = np.add(x, y, z)

x = np.array([1,2,3])
y = np.array([1,2,3])
z = np.array([1,2,3])

sum2 = x + y + z
[2 4 6]
[3 6 9]
In [20]:
# playing around with numpy subtraction. In order for these operations to work
# the arrays must be of the same size
np1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
np2 = np.array([1, 2, 4, 5, 5])
np2 - np1

np3 = [1, 2, 3]

# the (0,2) value tells pad to pad 0 times in the front of array
# and three times to the end of array. See: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.pad.html
np3_resized = np.pad(np3, (0, 2), 'constant', constant_values=0)
np3_resized - np2
array([ 0,  0, -1, -5, -5])
In [21]:
# Testing to see if the numpy 'where' method supports string matching
a = np.array(['apple', 'orange', 'apple', 'banana'])

indicesWhereThereAreApples = np.where(a == 'apple')

print (indicesWhereThereAreApples)
print (a[indicesWhereThereAreApples])
(array([0, 2], dtype=int64),)
['apple' 'apple']
In [22]:
# Playing around with classes in Python 3. Notice how just like in Javascript, you can add a new member variable
# just by starting to use it!

class DummyClass:
    def __init__(self, variable):
        self.testVar = variable

dummy = DummyClass(5)
dummy.newVar = 7 # added a new member variable called newVar here. Cool!
vars(dummy) # prints out the member variables of the class
{'testVar': 5, 'newVar': 7}
In [23]:
# Experimenting with how unpacking tuples work
testTuple = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6 7 8 9 10
In [24]:
# Experimenting with how we delete things out of lists
import random
testDict = {"a":1, "c":3, "d":4}
a = list(testDict.keys())
del a[1]
['a', 'c', 'd']
['a', 'c', 'd']
['a', 'd']
In [25]:
# Playing around with how we can split up and combine lists in Python
testList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
index = 4
print(testList[0:index] + testList[index + 1:5])

index = 3
print(testList[0:index] + testList[index + 1:5])

[1, 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 5]
[4, 5]
[1, 2, 3]
In [26]:
# Find Euclidean distance between two numpy vector arrays
np1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
np2 = np.array([5, 4, 3, 2, 1])

# First, we'll try numpy's way of determining Euclidean distance
# See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1401828
npDist = np.linalg.norm(np2 - np1)

# Next, we'll try scipy's way
# See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21986532
from scipy.spatial import distance

scipyDist = distance.euclidean(np2,np1)
In [27]:
# detrend playground
from scipy import signal
a = np.random.rand(50) * 50
b = np.array(range(0,50))
c = a + b

fig, axes = plt.subplots()
# axes.plot(a)
# axes.plot(b)
axes.plot(c, label="c (avg={:0.1f})".format(np.mean(c)))
c_detrended = signal.detrend(c)
axes.plot(c_detrended, label="c_detrended (avg={:0.1f})".format(np.mean(c_detrended)))
[15.07651485 38.95826915 24.06805911 15.72247249 40.19961501 11.51039253
 46.19437545  8.08694086 47.04984742 44.16330621  0.42746396 41.18520135
 27.43052433 10.73809097 49.67376932 42.63242418 38.57048627  7.62321623
 14.8583582  15.09225716  6.33996976  6.61331935 23.9243732   1.6474267
  9.12349668 37.86633077 24.90183907 48.87885008  1.91082188 42.50149638
 15.46561595 39.24623367 28.00937973 43.04537912 12.29431732 36.51387178
 31.78335462 25.28153011 13.25576937 11.0538778   4.42495403 49.78478923
 14.03494656 32.94161069 35.34596084 11.50253433 19.30666599 28.97305561
  3.04953944 42.43841146]
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1d983f95ba8>
In [28]:
# Playing around with plotting confusion matrices
# From: http://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/model_selection/plot_confusion_matrix.html#sphx-glr-auto-examples-model-selection-plot-confusion-matrix-py
import itertools
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes,
                          title='Confusion matrix',
    This function prints and plots the confusion matrix.
    Normalization can be applied by setting `normalize=True`.
    if normalize:
        cm = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
        print("Normalized confusion matrix")
        print('Confusion matrix, without normalization')


    plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap)
    tick_marks = np.arange(len(classes))
    plt.xticks(tick_marks, classes, rotation=90)
    plt.yticks(tick_marks, classes)

    fmt = '.2f' if normalize else 'd'
    thresh = cm.max() / 2.
    for i, j in itertools.product(range(cm.shape[0]), range(cm.shape[1])):
        plt.text(j, i, format(cm[i, j], fmt),
                 color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black")

    plt.ylabel('True label')
    plt.xlabel('Predicted label')
y_true = ["cat", "ant", "cat", "cat", "ant", "bird", "bird"]
y_pred = ["ant", "ant", "cat", "cat", "ant", "cat", "bird"]
labels=["ant", "bird", "cat"]
cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, labels)
plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes=labels,
                      title='Confusion matrix (without normalization)')

plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes=labels, normalize=True,
                      title='Confusion matrix (with normalization)')
Confusion matrix, without normalization
[[2 0 0]
 [0 1 1]
 [1 0 2]]
Normalized confusion matrix
[[1.         0.         0.        ]
 [0.         0.5        0.5       ]
 [0.33333333 0.         0.66666667]]