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In this Notebook, we are going to setup the framework for using a feature-based, supervised learning model to classify our gesture sets. While in the last assignment you built up familiarity with the SciPy libraries and an initial understanding of shape-based gesture classification, in this Notebook you will begin to learn:

  • How to use Scikit-learn, one of the most popular open-source machine learning libraries in the world
  • How to rethink the classification problem not just in terms of signal shapes (as before) but in terms of signal features. You will brainstorm, visualize, and analyze both time-domain and frequency-domain features extracted from the gesture accelerometer data and learn how to find and then use potentially promising features in your classifier
  • How to setup a classification experiment using Scikit-learn (you don't have to rely on your own k-fold cross validation code, for example)
  • How to use some of the built-in supervised learning models in Scikit-learn to classify gestures

Scikit learn

We are going to shift from using our own classifiers and experimental testbed (say goodbye to our custom gesturerec.experiments library) to a popular open-source machine learning library called Scikit-learn (code repo). Scikit-learn (or sometimes called sklearn) started as a Google Summer of Code project and its name "SciKit" stems from using the SciPy libraries as its foundation (though its development was and is independent).

We chose Scikit-learn as our primary machine learing library because:

  • It is built on NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib (so you need not learn another set of Python libraries)
  • It is one of the most popular machine learning libraries in the world. On GitHub, for example, it has 25k+ commits and 40.8k stars (link). Building familiarity and comfort with Scikit-learn will not only increase your understanding of applied machine learning but also allow you to more easily use other machine learning toolkits in the future (e.g., PyTorch, TensorFlow).

While this Notebook will cover some initial, core introductory concepts of using Scikit-learn—particularly for a gesture dataset—we are only scratching the surface of possibilities. You may want to consult the official Scikit-learn tutorials either before or after working through this Notebook. Because of Scikit's popularity, there are also numerous (wonderful) tutorials online.

Your TODOs

As before, you should use this Notebook as your template for the A4 assignment. We expect that you will read through and interact with cells sequentially. To help guide where you need to work, we've added "TODOs"—so search for that word. :)


About this notebook

This Notebook was designed and written by Professor Jon E. Froehlich at the University of Washington along with feedback from students. It is made available freely online as an open educational resource at the teaching website: https://makeabilitylab.github.io/physcomp/.

The website, Notebook code, and Arduino code are all open source using the MIT license.

Please file a GitHub Issue or Pull Request for changes/comments or email me directly.


In [2]:
# This cell includes the major classes used in our classification analyses
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # for 3D plotting, woohoo!
import numpy as np 
import scipy as sp
from scipy import signal
import random
import os
import math
import itertools
from IPython.display import display_html

# We wrote this gesturerec package for the class
# It provides some useful data structures for the accelerometer signal
# and running experiments so you can focus on writing classification code, 
# evaluating your solutions, and iterating 
import gesturerec.utility as grutils
import gesturerec.data as grdata
import gesturerec.vis as grvis

from gesturerec.data import SensorData
from gesturerec.data import GestureSet

# Scikit-learn stuff
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, accuracy_score, confusion_matrix
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, cross_validate, cross_val_predict, StratifiedKFold

# Import Pandas: https://pandas.pydata.org/
import pandas as pd

# Import Seaborn: https://seaborn.pydata.org/
import seaborn as sns

Utility functions

In [20]:
def display_tables_side_by_side(df1, df2, n = None, df1_caption = "Caption table 1", df2_caption = "Caption table 2"):
    '''Displays the two tables side-by-side'''
    if n is not None:
        df1 = df1.head(n)
        df2 = df2.head(n)
    # Solution from https://stackoverflow.com/a/50899244
    df1_styler = df1.style.set_table_attributes("style='display:inline; margin:10px'").set_caption(df1_caption)
    df2_styler = df2.style.set_table_attributes("style='display:inline'").set_caption(df2_caption)

    display_html(df1_styler._repr_html_()+df2_styler._repr_html_(), raw=True)
def print_folds(cross_validator, X, y_true, trial_indices):
    '''Prints out the k-fold splits'''
    fold_cnt = 0
    for train_index, test_index in cross_validator.split(X, y_true):
        X_train, X_test = X.iloc[train_index], X.iloc[test_index]
        y_train, y_test = y_true.iloc[train_index], y_true.iloc[test_index]
        print("TEST FOLD {}".format(fold_cnt))
        for i in test_index:
            print("\t{} {}".format(y_true[i], trial_indices[i]))
        fold_cnt += 1
def display_folds(cross_validator, X, y_true, trial_indices):
    map_fold_to_class_labels = dict()
    fold_cnt = 0
    for train_index, test_index in cross_validator.split(X, y_true):
        X_train, X_test = X.iloc[train_index], X.iloc[test_index]
        y_train, y_test = y_true.iloc[train_index], y_true.iloc[test_index]
        class_labels = []
        for i in test_index:
            class_labels.append(f"{y_true[i]} {trial_indices[i]}")
        map_fold_to_class_labels[f"Fold {fold_cnt}"] = class_labels
        fold_cnt += 1
    df = pd.DataFrame(map_fold_to_class_labels)

def compute_fft(s, sampling_rate, n = None, scale_amplitudes = True):
    '''Computes an FFT on signal s using numpy.fft.fft.
        s (np.array): the signal
        sampling_rate (num): sampling rate
        n (integer): If n is smaller than the length of the input, the input is cropped. If n is 
            larger, the input is padded with zeros. If n is not given, the length of the input signal 
            is used (i.e., len(s))
        scale_amplitudes (boolean): If true, the spectrum amplitudes are scaled by 2/len(s)
    if n == None:
        n = len(s)
    fft_result = np.fft.fft(s, n)
    num_freq_bins = len(fft_result)
    fft_freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(num_freq_bins, d = 1 / sampling_rate)
    half_freq_bins = num_freq_bins // 2

    fft_freqs = fft_freqs[:half_freq_bins]
    fft_result = fft_result[:half_freq_bins]
    fft_amplitudes = np.abs(fft_result)
    if scale_amplitudes is True:
        fft_amplitudes = 2 * fft_amplitudes / (len(s))
    return (fft_freqs, fft_amplitudes)

def get_top_n_frequency_peaks(n, freqs, amplitudes, min_amplitude_threshold = None):
    ''' Finds the top N frequencies and returns a sorted list of tuples (freq, amplitudes) '''
    # Use SciPy signal.find_peaks to find the frequency peaks
    # JonTODO: in future, could add in support for min horizontal distance so we don't find peaks close together
    # SciPy's find_peaks supports this, so would be straightforward to implement
    fft_peaks_indices, fft_peaks_props = sp.signal.find_peaks(amplitudes, height = min_amplitude_threshold)
    freqs_at_peaks = freqs[fft_peaks_indices]
    amplitudes_at_peaks = amplitudes[fft_peaks_indices]
    if n < len(amplitudes_at_peaks):
        ind = np.argpartition(amplitudes_at_peaks, -n)[-n:] # from https://stackoverflow.com/a/23734295
        ind_sorted_by_coef = ind[np.argsort(-amplitudes_at_peaks[ind])] # reverse sort indices
        ind_sorted_by_coef = np.argsort(-amplitudes_at_peaks)

    return_list = list(zip(freqs_at_peaks[ind_sorted_by_coef], amplitudes_at_peaks[ind_sorted_by_coef]))
    return return_list

map_marker_to_desc = {

plot_markers = ['o','v','^','<','>','s','p','P','*','h','X','D','d','|','_',0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,'1','2','3','4',',']

def plot_feature_1d(gesture_set, extract_feature_func, title = None, use_random_y_jitter = True,
                   xlim = None):
    Plots the extracted feature on a 1-dimensional plot. We use a random y-jitter 
    to make the values more noticeable
    gesture_set: the GestureSet class
    extract_feature_func: a "pointer" to a function that accepts a trial.accel object and returns an extracted feature
    title: the graph title
    use_random_y_jitter: provides a random y jitter to make it easier to see values
    xlim: set the x range of the graph
    markers = list(map_marker_to_desc.keys())
    marker = itertools.cycle(markers)
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 3))
    for gesture_name in selected_gesture_set.get_gesture_names_sorted():
        trials = selected_gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials[gesture_name]
        x = list(extract_feature_func(trial.accel) for trial in trials)
        y = None
        if use_random_y_jitter:
            y = np.random.rand(len(x))
            y = np.zeros(len(x))
        marker_sizes = [200] * len(x) # make the marker sizes larger
        plt.scatter(x, y, alpha=0.65, marker=next(marker), 
                    s = marker_sizes, label=gesture_name)
    if xlim is not None:
    if use_random_y_jitter:
        plt.ylabel("Ignore the y-axis")
    if title is None:
        title = f"1D plot of {extract_feature_func.__name__}"
def plot_feature_2d(gesture_set, extract_feature_func1, extract_feature_func2,
                    xlabel = "Feature 1", ylabel = "Feature 2",
                    title = None, xlim = None):
    Plots the two extracted features on a 2-dimensional plot. 
    gesture_set: the GestureSet class
    extract_feature_func1: a "pointer" to a function that accepts a trial.accel object and returns an extracted feature
    extract_feature_func2: a "pointer" to a function that accepts a trial.accel object and returns an extracted feature
    title: the graph title
    xlim: set the x range of the graph
    markers = list(map_marker_to_desc.keys())
    marker = itertools.cycle(markers)
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5))
    for gesture_name in selected_gesture_set.get_gesture_names_sorted():
        trials = selected_gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials[gesture_name]
        x = list(extract_feature_func1(trial.accel) for trial in trials)
        y = list(extract_feature_func2(trial.accel) for trial in trials)

        marker_sizes = [200] * len(x) # make the marker sizes larger
        plt.scatter(x, y, alpha=0.65, marker=next(marker), 
                    s = marker_sizes, label=gesture_name)
    if xlim is not None:
def plot_feature_3d(gesture_set, extract_feature_func1, extract_feature_func2,
                    extract_feature_func3, xlabel = "Feature 1", ylabel = "Feature 2",
                    zlabel = "Feature 2", title = None, figsize=(12,9)):
    Plots the two extracted features on a 2-dimensional plot. 
    gesture_set: the GestureSet class
    extract_feature_func1: a "pointer" to a function that accepts a trial.accel object and returns an extracted feature
    extract_feature_func2: a "pointer" to a function that accepts a trial.accel object and returns an extracted feature
    extract_feature_func3: a "pointer" to a function that accepts a trial.accel object and returns an extracted feature
    title: the graph title
    xlim: set the x range of the graph
    markers = list(map_marker_to_desc.keys())
    marker = itertools.cycle(markers)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
    ax = Axes3D(fig)
    for gesture_name in selected_gesture_set.get_gesture_names_sorted():
        trials = selected_gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials[gesture_name]
        x = list(extract_feature_func1(trial.accel) for trial in trials)
        y = list(extract_feature_func2(trial.accel) for trial in trials)
        z = list(extract_feature_func2(trial.accel) for trial in trials)
        marker_sizes = [200] * len(x) # make the marker sizes larger
        ax.scatter(x, y, z, alpha=0.65, marker=next(marker), 
                    s = marker_sizes, label=gesture_name)
    return fig, ax

def plot_bar_graph(d, title=None, ylabel=None, xlabel=None):
    Plots a bar graph of of the values in d (with the keys as names)
    sorted_tuple_list = sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
    n_groups = len(d)

    sorted_keys = [] 
    sorted_values = [] 
    for k, v in sorted_tuple_list:

    # create plot
    fig_height = max(n_groups * 0.5, 5)
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, fig_height))
    indices = np.arange(len(sorted_keys))

    bars = plt.barh(indices, sorted_values, alpha=0.8, color='b', zorder=3)
    plt.xlim(0, sorted_values[-1] * 1.1)
    plt.yticks(indices, sorted_keys)
    for i, v in enumerate(sorted_values):
        plt.text(v + 0.01, i, "{:0.2f}".format(v), color='black', fontweight='bold')

def plot_signals(gesture_set, signal_var_names = ['x', 'y', 'z']):
    '''Plots the gesture set as a grid given the signal_var_names'''
    num_rows = len(gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials)
    num_cols = len(signal_var_names)
    row_height = 3.5
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=(15, row_height * num_rows))

    index = 0
    for row, gesture_name in enumerate(gesture_set.get_gesture_names_sorted()):
        gesture_trials = gesture_set.get_trials_for_gesture(gesture_name)

        for trial in gesture_trials:
            for col, signal_var_name in enumerate(signal_var_names):
                s = getattr(trial.accel, signal_var_name)       
                axes[row][col].plot(s, alpha=0.7, label=f"Trial {trial.trial_num}")

                axes[row][col].set_title(f"{gesture_name}: {signal_var_name}")


def plot_signals_aligned(gesture_set, signal_var_names = ['x', 'y', 'z'], title_fontsize=8):
    '''Aligns each signal using cross correlation and then plots them'''
    num_rows = len(gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials)
    num_cols = len(signal_var_names)
    row_height = 3.5
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=(15, row_height * num_rows))

    index = 0
    for row, gesture_name in enumerate(gesture_set.get_gesture_names_sorted()):
        gesture_trials = gesture_set.get_trials_for_gesture(gesture_name)

        for col, signal_var_name in enumerate(signal_var_names):
            # Find the maximum length signal. We need this to pad all
            # signals to the same length (a requirement of cross correlation)
            signal_lengths = []
            for trial in gesture_trials:
                s = getattr(trial.accel, signal_var_name) 
            max_trial_length = np.max(signal_lengths)
            # Actually pad the signals
            signals = []
            for trial in gesture_trials:
                s = getattr(trial.accel, signal_var_name) 
                padding_length = max_trial_length - len(s)
                if padding_length > 0:
                    pad_amount_left = (math.floor(padding_length/2.0))
                    pad_amount_right = (math.ceil(padding_length/2.0))
                    padded_s = np.pad(s, (pad_amount_left, pad_amount_right), mode = 'mean')
            # Grab a signal to align everything to. We could more carefully choose
            # this signal to be the closest signal to the average aggregate... but this
            # should do for now
            golden_signal = signals[0] # the signal to align everything to
            # Align all the signals and store them in aligned_signals
            aligned_signals = [golden_signal]
            for i in range(1, len(signals)):
                a = golden_signal
                b = signals[i]
                correlate_result = np.correlate(a, b, 'full')
                best_correlation_index = np.argmax(correlate_result)
                shift_amount = (-len(a) + 1) + best_correlation_index
                b_shifted_mean_fill = shift_array(b, shift_amount, np.mean(b))
            # Plot the aligned signals
            for signal_index, trial in enumerate(gesture_trials):
                s = aligned_signals[signal_index]
                axes[row][col].plot(s, alpha=0.7, label=f"Trial {trial.trial_num}")

                axes[row][col].set_title(f"Aligned {gesture_name}: {signal_var_name}", fontsize=title_fontsize)

def shift_array(arr, shift_amount, fill_value = np.nan):
    '''Shifts the array either left or right by the shift_amount (which can be negative or positive)
       From: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42642326
    result = np.empty_like(arr)
    if shift_amount > 0:
        result[:shift_amount] = fill_value
        result[shift_amount:] = arr[:-shift_amount]
    elif shift_amount < 0:
        result[shift_amount:] = fill_value
        result[:shift_amount] = arr[-shift_amount:]
        result[:] = arr
    return result

Load the data

These cells are the same as for the Shape Matching notebook. You should not need to edit them, only run them.

In [4]:
# Load the data
#root_gesture_log_path = './GestureLogsADXL335'
root_gesture_log_path = './GestureLogs'

print("Found the following gesture log sub-directories")

gesture_log_paths = grutils.get_immediate_subdirectories(root_gesture_log_path)
map_gesture_sets = dict()
selected_gesture_set = None

for gesture_log_path in gesture_log_paths:
    path_to_gesture_log = os.path.join(root_gesture_log_path, gesture_log_path)
    print("Creating a GestureSet object for path '{}'".format(path_to_gesture_log))
    gesture_set = GestureSet(path_to_gesture_log)
    map_gesture_sets[gesture_set.name] = gesture_set

if selected_gesture_set is None:
    # Since we load multiple gesture sets and often want to just visualize and explore
    # one set, in particular, we set a selected_gesture_set variable here
    # Feel free to change this
    #selected_gesture_set = get_random_gesture_set(map_gesture_sets)
    selected_gesture_set = grdata.get_gesture_set_with_str(map_gesture_sets, "Jon")
    if selected_gesture_set is None:
        # if the selected gesture set is still None
        selected_gesture_set = grdata.get_random_gesture_set(map_gesture_sets);

print("The selected gesture set:", selected_gesture_set)
Found the following gesture log sub-directories
['AGestures', 'AlexandraGestures', 'AlexisGestures', 'AnjaliGestures', 'BrettGestures', 'BryanGestures', 'ClayGestures', 'DustinGestures', 'EmmaGestures', 'JaeHGestures', 'JasonGestures', 'JonGestures', 'JuliaBGestures', 'JustinGestures', 'MattCGestures', 'MikaelGestures', 'NanGestures', 'NeilGestures', 'NickGestures', 'NooseGestures', 'OjasviGestures', 'Paf2Gestures', 'SamuelRGestures', 'ShaunGestures', 'StacyGestures', 'ThweidGestures', 'WolfGestures']
Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\AGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\AGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 3 with 308 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.4
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.3s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\AlexandraGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\AlexandraGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Jump'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Midair 'S'' Trial 1 with 248 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.5
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 1.9s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\AlexisGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\AlexisGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Custom' Trial 0 with 279 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.6
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 1.6s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\AnjaliGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\AnjaliGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Heart'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Heart' Trial 0 with 342 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.3
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.4s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\BrettGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\BrettGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 3 with 452 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.2
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 3.4s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\BryanGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\BryanGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 4 with 245 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.5
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 1.8s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\ClayGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\ClayGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Thrust'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 2 with 237 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.8
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 1.5s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\DustinGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\DustinGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'At Rest' Trial 2 with 414 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.2
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.8s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\EmmaGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\EmmaGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Star'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Star' Trial 3 with 170 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 33.8
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.6s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\JaeHGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\JaeHGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'At Rest' Trial 1 with 113 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 33.8
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.0s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\JasonGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\JasonGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Underhand Bowling' Trial 1 with 264 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 83.6
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.3s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\JonGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\JonGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'At Rest' Trial 3 with 889 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.2
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 3.5s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\JuliaBGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\JuliaBGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Shake' Trial 4 with 688 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.2
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 3.4s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\JustinGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\JustinGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'At Rest' Trial 1 with 359 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.4
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.2s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\MattCGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\MattCGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'At Rest' Trial 4 with 506 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 84.0
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.3s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\MikaelGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\MikaelGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Trial 0 with 168 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 31.7
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.8s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\NanGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\NanGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Custom' Trial 0 with 261 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.5
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 1.9s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\NeilGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\NeilGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Shake' Trial 2 with 330 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.3
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.6s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\NickGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\NickGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Drinking Coffee'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Drinking Coffee' Trial 3 with 151 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 33.0
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.9s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\NooseGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\NooseGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Baseball Throw' Trial 4 with 437 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.2
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 3.2s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\OjasviGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\OjasviGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Shake' Trial 4 with 402 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.2
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.5s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\Paf2Gestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\Paf2Gestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Forehand Tennis' Trial 1 with 18907 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.0
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 6.9s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\SamuelRGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\SamuelRGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Trial 4 with 367 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.3
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.5s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\ShaunGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\ShaunGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Custom' Trial 4 with 357 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.4
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.1s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\StacyGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\StacyGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Trial 0 with 239 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 91.7
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 1.6s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\ThweidGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\ThweidGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Custom'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Custom' Trial 2 with 281 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 89.4
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.2s

Creating a GestureSet object for path './GestureLogs\WolfGestures'
Found 55 csv files in ./GestureLogs\WolfGestures
Found 11 gestures
Found 5 trials for 'At Rest'
Found 5 trials for 'Backhand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Baseball Throw'
Found 5 trials for 'Forehand Tennis'
Found 5 trials for 'Jumping Jack'
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair Zorro 'Z''
Found 5 trials for 'Midair 'S''
Found 5 trials for 'Shake'
Found 5 trials for 'Underhand Bowling'
Max trial length across all gesture is 'Shake' Trial 1 with 307 sensor events.
Avg samples/sec across 55 sensor files: 90.5
Avg sample length across 55 sensor files: 2.1s

The selected gesture set: './GestureLogs\JonGestures' : 11 gestures and 55 total trials

The map_gesture_sets is a dict object and is our primary data structure: it maps gesture dir names to GestureSet objects. There's truly nothing special here. But we realize our data structures do require a learning ramp-up. Let's iterate through the GestureSets.

In [5]:
print(f"We have {len(map_gesture_sets)} gesture sets:")
for gesture_set_name, gesture_set in map_gesture_sets.items():
    print(f" {gesture_set_name} with {len(gesture_set.get_all_trials())} trials")

# Feel free to change the selected_gesture_set. It's just a convenient variable
# to explore one gesture set at a time
print(f"The selected gesture set is: {selected_gesture_set.name}")
We have 27 gesture sets:
 AGestures with 55 trials
 AlexandraGestures with 55 trials
 AlexisGestures with 55 trials
 AnjaliGestures with 55 trials
 BrettGestures with 55 trials
 BryanGestures with 55 trials
 ClayGestures with 55 trials
 DustinGestures with 55 trials
 EmmaGestures with 55 trials
 JaeHGestures with 55 trials
 JasonGestures with 55 trials
 JonGestures with 55 trials
 JuliaBGestures with 55 trials
 JustinGestures with 55 trials
 MattCGestures with 55 trials
 MikaelGestures with 55 trials
 NanGestures with 55 trials
 NeilGestures with 55 trials
 NickGestures with 55 trials
 NooseGestures with 55 trials
 OjasviGestures with 55 trials
 Paf2Gestures with 55 trials
 SamuelRGestures with 55 trials
 ShaunGestures with 55 trials
 StacyGestures with 55 trials
 ThweidGestures with 55 trials
 WolfGestures with 55 trials
The selected gesture set is: JonGestures

Preprocess the data

You may or may not want to revisit how you preprocess your data. Remember: we are using a fundamentally different approach for classification, so it's worth reconsidering your full data analysis pipeline.

In [6]:
def preprocess_signal(s):
    '''Preprocesses the signal'''
    # TODO: write your preprocessing code here. We'll do something very simple for now,
    mean_filter_window_size = 10
    processed_signal = np.convolve(s, 
    return processed_signal

def preprocess_trial(trial):
    '''Processess the given trial'''
    trial.accel.x_p = preprocess_signal(trial.accel.x)
    trial.accel.y_p = preprocess_signal(trial.accel.y)
    trial.accel.z_p = preprocess_signal(trial.accel.z)
    trial.accel.mag_p = preprocess_signal(trial.accel.mag)

for gesture_set in map_gesture_sets.values():
    for gesture_name, trials in gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials.items():
        for trial in trials:

Feature exploration

We are going to start this adventure, as we always should, by trying to better understand our signals and the features we plan to extract.

Our goal is to brainstorm and identify highly discriminable attributes of each gesture class that we may be able to leverage in our feature-based classifiers.

While our classifiers will work in high-dimensions, humans, at best can really only visualize and interpret at most 3-dimensions.

So, we're going to start by graphing our features along 1-dimension. Yes, 1-dimension! To make it easier to see patterns in our data, we will add in a bit of y-jitter, so the graphs below may appear 2-dimensional—but they are not. Ignore the y-axis for these 1D plots.

Time domain

Let's explore some time domain features first.

Visualizing time-domain signals

Just like with shape-matching, let's begin by graphing the time-domain signals.

Visualizing raw x, y, z, and mag

In [6]:
plot_signals(selected_gesture_set, ['x', 'y', 'z', 'mag'])

Visualizing aligned raw signals

It may be easier to pick out interesting patterns with the signals aligned.

In [7]:
plot_signals_aligned(selected_gesture_set, ['x', 'y', 'z', 'mag'])

Visualizing processed x, y, z, and mag signals

Now let's visualize the processed signals.

In [8]:
plot_signals(selected_gesture_set, ['x_p', 'y_p', 'z_p', 'mag_p'])

Visualizing aligned processed signals

In [9]:
plot_signals_aligned(selected_gesture_set, ['x_p', 'y_p', 'z_p', 'mag_p'])

Extract and visualize time-domain features

After reviewing the above graphs and thinking about what features we might be able to extract from the time-domain signals, let's extract and plot some specific time-domain features. We've created a helper function called plot_feature_1d, which will plot a specified feature in a 1-dimensional graph.

Let's check it out!

Feature: standard deviation of accel mag

In [7]:
# Write a simple anonymous function that takes in an accel.trial and returns
# an extracted feature. In this case, the standard deviation of the magnitude
extract_feature_std_mag = lambda accel_trial: np.std(accel_trial.mag)

# We could also have done the following but it's slightly messier for our purposes
# def extract_feature_std_mag(accel_trial):
#    return np.std(accel_trial.mag)

# Plot the feature (but with no y-jitter)
graph_title = "1D plot of the standard deviation of the accel mag"
plot_feature_1d(selected_gesture_set, extract_feature_std_mag, 
                title = graph_title, use_random_y_jitter = False)

To make it easier to see the 1-dimensional spacing, by default, we add in a random y-jitter (which is a common graphing trick). But just remember, the y-values here are meaningless. We'll make real 2-dimensional plots a bit further down.

So, let's graph the same thing but with the random y jitter turned on.

In [8]:
graph_title = "1D plot of the standard deviation of the accel mag"
plot_feature_1d(selected_gesture_set, extract_feature_std_mag, title = graph_title)

Even with just one feature and a 1D plot, we can begin to see some separation between gestures:

  • Unsurprisingly, the At Rest gesture has the least amount of deviation
  • And then there are ~2 or maybe 3 other groups: a middle group of Clockwise 'O', Counter-clockwise 'O', Backhand Tennis, a less defined intermediate group of Forehand Tennis and Underhand Bowling, and a more extreme group of Shake, Midair Zorro 'Z', and Baseball Throw

Feature: maximum accel mag

How about the maximum of the accelerometer magnitude in each gesture trial? Is there discriminable information there?

Let's check it out!

In [9]:
extract_feature_max_mag = lambda accel_trial: np.max(accel_trial.mag)
plot_feature_1d(selected_gesture_set, extract_feature_max_mag, 
                title = "1D plot of the max accel mag")

What do you observe? Again, this feature seems useful—at least for discriminating some gestures like At Rest and Baseball Throw. As before, there are also clear clusters that are emerging.

Feature: num peaks

Finally, let's count the number of peaks (given a certain height and distance threshold). Unlike our other input features thus far, count data is discrete (not continuous), is limited to non-negative values, and will have a different distribution.

In [10]:
def extract_feature_num_peaks_mag_p(accel_trial):
    mag_p = sp.signal.detrend(accel_trial.mag_p)
    # height is the height of the peaks and distance is the minimum horizontal distance
    # (in samples) between peaks. Feel free to play with these thresholds
    peak_indices, peak_properties = sp.signal.find_peaks(mag_p, height=100, distance=5)
    return len(peak_indices)
plot_feature_1d(selected_gesture_set, extract_feature_num_peaks_mag_p, 
                title = "1D plot of the num of peaks in mag_p")

Brainstorm and plot your own time domain features

Below, brainstorm and plot your own time domain features. We've provided an initial list of features to try but dig into the signals, think about what makes each gesture class unique, and try to extract and leverage those unique aspects as features.

You could extract (many of) these features either from the raw accelerometer signal (e.g., x, y, z, and mag) or a preprocessed version.

  • Signal length
  • Descriptive statistics of each axis (x, y, z) + magnitude, including mean, median, standard deviation
  • Peak counting (raw number of peaks, number of peaks over certain threshold)
  • Horizontal distance between peaks, avg vertical distance between peaks
  • Number of zero crossings
  • Other things! Read papers, brainstorm, visualize!

Once you've exhausted our list and your own mind, consult the web. Use Google Scholar, for example, to find gesture recognition papers: what features did they use?

In [28]:
# We'll start with another one here: signal length but add more!

extract_feature_signal_length = lambda accel_trial: len(accel_trial.x)
plot_feature_1d(selected_gesture_set, extract_feature_signal_length, 
                title = "1D plot of the signal length")

Frequency domain

Of course, there may also be discriminable information in the frequency domain. If you haven't already, complete our Frequency Analysis lesson before moving forward.

Just as we brainstormed time domain features, how about features in the frequency domain, such as:

  • The top frequency (i.e., the frequency with the highest amplitude in the signal)
  • The top N frequencies (overall or within some frequency band)
  • The lowest/highest frequency (over some amplitude threshold)
  • Number of frequency peaks (over a certain amplitude threshold)
  • Avg value of frequency peaks
  • Or perhaps a sliding window that breaks up the signal into chunks and extracts frequency information over each chunk
  • And many others...

Visualizing frequency information

Let's start—as we always should—by plotting our signals and exploring some initial stats.

Below, we plot a visualization grid where each column is a gesture trial and rows alternate between the time domain and frequency domain versions of the mag for that gesture.

In [15]:
# This cell will take a bit of time not because of the frequency analysis but because
# of preparing the large matplotlib image
import IPython.display as ipd
import ipywidgets

num_cols = 5 # 1 col for each gesture trial 
num_rows = selected_gesture_set.get_num_gestures() * 2 # 1 for waveform, 1 for frequency per gesture
row_height = 3
fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, figsize=(15, row_height * num_rows))

index = 0
sampling_rate = 92 # roughly 92
progress_bar = ipywidgets.IntProgress(value=0, min=0, max=num_rows)
title_font_size = 8
for gesture_name in selected_gesture_set.get_gesture_names_sorted():
    gesture_trials = selected_gesture_set.get_trials_for_gesture(gesture_name)
    for trial in gesture_trials:
        s = trial.accel.mag_p # change this to visualize/explore other signals
        ax = axes[index][trial.trial_num]
        # remove "DC offset" to perform FFT
        s_removed_offset = s - np.mean(s)
        ax.plot(s_removed_offset, alpha=0.7, label=f"Trial {trial.trial_num}")
        ax.set_title(f"{gesture_name[0:12]} waveform", fontsize= title_font_size)
        sampling_rate = math.ceil(trial.accel.sampling_rate)
        ax = axes[index + 1][trial.trial_num]
        spectrum, freqs_of_spectrum, line = ax.magnitude_spectrum(s_removed_offset, Fs = sampling_rate, 
                                                        color='r', pad_to = 4 * len(s))
        ax.set_title(f"{gesture_name[0:12]} freq spectrum", fontsize= title_font_size)
        # Annotate the top freq (by amplitude) on each graph
        top_n_freq_with_amplitudes = get_top_n_frequency_peaks(1, freqs_of_spectrum, spectrum)
        top_freq = top_n_freq_with_amplitudes[0][0]
        top_amplitude = top_n_freq_with_amplitudes[0][1]
        ax.plot(top_freq, top_amplitude, marker="x", color="black", alpha=0.8)
        ax.text(top_freq, top_amplitude, f"{top_freq:0.1f} Hz", color="black")
    index = index + 2 
    progress_bar.value = index

print(f"Selected gesture set: {selected_gesture_set.name}")
Selected gesture set: JonGestures

Feature: top frequency

As one example, let's extract the most prominent (highest-amplitude) frequency for each gesture using the magnitude part of the accelerometer signal.

In [11]:
def extract_feature_top_mag_freq(accel_trial):
    sampling_rate = math.ceil(accel_trial.sampling_rate)
    (fft_freqs, fft_amplitudes) = compute_fft(accel_trial.mag, sampling_rate)
    top_n_freq_with_amplitudes = get_top_n_frequency_peaks(1, fft_freqs, fft_amplitudes)

    if len(top_n_freq_with_amplitudes) <= 0:
        return 0
    return top_n_freq_with_amplitudes[0][0]

plot_feature_1d(selected_gesture_set, extract_feature_top_mag_freq, 
                title = "1D plot of the most prominent raw mag freq in each signal")

You might be surprised to see At Rest's position in the graph. This is because we do not take into account the strength of the frequency component for each signal. The identified frequencies in At Rest are low amplitude (and largely noise).

To control for this, we can add in a parameter to get_top_n_frequency_peaks to filter out identified frequencies of less than a certain amplitude coefficient. In this case, let's try 500 but you should experiment with any thresholds used in your code.

In [12]:
def extract_feature_top_mag_freq2(accel_trial):
    sampling_rate = math.ceil(accel_trial.sampling_rate)
    (fft_freqs, fft_amplitudes) = compute_fft(accel_trial.mag, sampling_rate)
    top_n_freq_with_amplitudes = get_top_n_frequency_peaks(1, fft_freqs, fft_amplitudes, min_amplitude_threshold = 500)

    if len(top_n_freq_with_amplitudes) <= 0:
        return 0
    return top_n_freq_with_amplitudes[0][0]

plot_feature_1d(selected_gesture_set, extract_feature_top_mag_freq2, 
                title = "1D plot of the most prominent raw mag freq in each signal (with min amplitude 500)")

We are able to see roughly four groupings here:

  • The At Rest group
  • A second cluster with frequencies between ~0.5 and 2.5 Hz
  • Possibly a third cluster with Zorro and Forehand Tennis between ~2.5 and 5 Hz
  • And another clear outlier cluster for Shake with freq between ~5-15 Hz

Let's zoom into the x-axis a bit to explore the middle cluster more closely.

In [18]:
plot_feature_1d(selected_gesture_set, extract_feature_top_mag_freq2, 
                title = "1D plot of the most prominent raw mag freq in each signal (with min amplitude 500)",
                xlim = (0, 5))

We can, of course, perform frequency analyses on any other signal—be it x, y, z, mag or some processed version. For example, here's a frequency analysis of a preprocessed mag_p signal.

In [19]:
def extract_feature_top_mag_p_freq(accel_trial):
    sampling_rate = math.ceil(accel_trial.sampling_rate)
    (fft_freqs, fft_amplitudes) = compute_fft(accel_trial.mag_p, sampling_rate)
    top_n_freq_with_amplitudes = get_top_n_frequency_peaks(1, fft_freqs, fft_amplitudes, min_amplitude_threshold = 500)

    if len(top_n_freq_with_amplitudes) <= 0:
        return 0
    return top_n_freq_with_amplitudes[0][0]

plot_feature_1d(selected_gesture_set, extract_feature_top_mag_p_freq, 
                title = "1D plot of the most prominent processed mag freq in each signal")

Brainstorm and plot your own frequency domain features

What other features can you think of for the frequency domain?

In [20]:
# TODO: Graph additional frequency-based features

2-dimensional explorations

OK, now that we've built up some familiarity with feature extraction and how these features may enable us to discriminate gestures, let's plot various combinations of them in 2D. Again, remember that our classifiers will (often) work in N-dimensions where N is the number of features. But it's just not possible for us to visualize all of our features at once in an N-dimensional graph.

But at least we're going from 1D to 2D, wee! :)

We'll begin by just randomly choosing some features to plot together: how about the standard deviation of the accel mag and the max mag?

In [21]:
plot_feature_2d(selected_gesture_set, extract_feature_std_mag, extract_feature_max_mag,
               xlabel="std_mag", ylabel="max_mag", title="Std mag vs. max mag")

Again, our goal here is to see clear clusters emerging—ideally where each cluster is composed of the same gesture class and the clusters themselves have clear separation.

Let's try another combination. How about the max mag frequency component (in frequency domain) and the max mag signal value (in the time domain).

In [22]:
# plot_feature_2d(selected_gesture_set, extract_feature_top_mag_freq2, extract_feature_std_mag,
#                xlabel="extract_feature_top_mag_freq2", ylabel="max_mag", title="Std mag vs. max mag")

plot_feature_2d(selected_gesture_set, extract_feature_top_mag_freq2, extract_feature_max_mag,
               xlabel="top_mag_freq2", ylabel="max_mag", title="Top freq vs. max mag")

Again, now it's up to you. Try graphing some feature combinations below. Later, we are also going to show you how to make a large number of 2-dimensional plots using something called a pairplot to explore all of our features together.

In [23]:
# TODO: Write some of your own 2D plot explorations

3-dimensional explorations

We explored 1-dimensional visualizations of our features, then 2-dimensional, can we go to 3?! Yes we can!

But that's roughly where we hit the limit of visualization dimensional space (don't worry, we'll also show you some alternative visualizations below that help us visualize lots of different feature combinations at once—though still pairwise).

And to make the 3D plots more discernible, we are going to use an IPython Magic command called %matplotlib notebook. To interact with the 3D scatter plots, you can click-and-drag to rotate and hold right mouse and move mouse up/down to zoom.

Interactive charts for the win!

Let's start by graphing the highest-amplitude frequency from the magnitude signal, the max magnitude value, and the standard deviation of magnitude for each gesture trial (grouped by gesture type).

In [38]:
%matplotlib notebook
plot_feature_3d(selected_gesture_set, extract_feature_top_mag_freq2, 
                extract_feature_max_mag, extract_feature_std_mag,
                xlabel="top_mag_freq2", ylabel="max_mag", zlabel="std_mag",
                title="Top freq vs. max mag vs. std mag", figsize=(10,8));

While it takes some time to familiarize oneself with a 3D visualization and pick out patterns (it helps enormously to interact with the charts by rotating and zooming), you are certainly able to see clear separation between many of the different gesture types. Shake and At Rest clearly stand out but so do Baseball Throw, Midair Zorro 'Z', Custom, and Backhand Tennis.

Let's try one more set of three input features: the number of peaks in the time domain mag_p signal along with the standard deviation and max of the mag signal.

In [29]:
%matplotlib notebook
plot_feature_3d(selected_gesture_set, extract_feature_std_mag, 
                extract_feature_max_mag, extract_feature_num_peaks_mag_p,
                xlabel="top_mag_freq2", ylabel="max_mag", zlabel="std_mag",
                title="Std mag vs. max mag vs. num peaks mag_p", figsize=(10,8));

Turn off interactive plots

Now turn of interactive plots using %matplotlib inline. You can turn back interactive plots at any time (not just for 3D plots), by executing %matplotlib notebook in a cell.

In [31]:
%matplotlib inline


At risk of introducing too many frameworks and libraries in this course (I know!), we had to bring in one more: pandas—one of the most popular open-source data analysis tools in data science. And pandas builds on and uses SciPy libraries.

Rest assured, we are barely going to use pandas. But we are going to use pandas DataFrame data structures, which are 2-dimensional tables a bit like a spreadsheet or an SQL table. They support querying, filtering, etc. but we mainly use them because it makes interacting with Scikit-learn easier (in our humble opinions, at least).

We'll also show off a few reasons why pandas is so powerful in this sub-section.

And again, don't worry. We show you everything you need to know below. You can certainly dive deeper, if you want. Knowing pandas gives you major data science street cred. :)

While not necessary, you may want to check out the official 10-minute pandas tutorial or just dive in below.

Create pandas DataFrame of features

Below, we build a pandas DataFrame table of our features. This is just a small playground. The real feature extraction code that we use in our classification experiments is found below in the sub-section entitled Feature extraction code.

In [34]:
df = None
for gesture_name in selected_gesture_set.get_gesture_names_sorted():
    trials = selected_gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials[gesture_name]
    for trial in trials:
        features = dict()
        features["gesturer"] = selected_gesture_set.name
        features["gesture"] = gesture_name
        features["trial_num"] = trial.trial_num
        features["signal_length (samples)"] = extract_feature_signal_length(trial.accel)
        features["signal_length (secs)"] = trial.accel.length_in_secs
        features["num_peaks_mag_p"] = extract_feature_num_peaks_mag_p(trial.accel)
        features["max_mag"] = extract_feature_max_mag(trial.accel)
        features["max_mag_p"] = np.max(trial.accel.mag_p)
        features["std_mag"] = extract_feature_std_mag(trial.accel)
        features["top_mag_freq"] = extract_feature_top_mag_freq2(trial.accel)
        if df is None:
            df = pd.DataFrame([features])
            df = df.append(features, ignore_index=True)

# Calling display on a DataFrame creates a pretty HTML-formatted table!
# Print out only the first 11 rows
display(df.head(n = 11))
gesture_col = df['gesture']
gesture gesturer max_mag max_mag_p num_peaks_mag_p signal_length (samples) signal_length (secs) std_mag top_mag_freq trial_num
0 At Rest JonGestures 8392.926546 8267.159567 1 407 4.466 85.980464 0.000000 0
1 At Rest JonGestures 8065.111035 7989.938799 0 702 7.711 63.786350 0.000000 1
2 At Rest JonGestures 8032.764904 7944.332196 0 529 5.808 54.831833 0.000000 2
3 At Rest JonGestures 8360.118659 8157.904775 0 889 9.767 73.913550 0.000000 3
4 At Rest JonGestures 8489.624727 8274.727546 0 678 7.447 122.216694 0.000000 4
5 Backhand Tennis JonGestures 26276.710905 21680.149040 2 226 2.475 3288.539127 2.035398 0
6 Backhand Tennis JonGestures 38608.822204 33796.019314 2 246 2.695 5753.678656 2.243902 1
7 Backhand Tennis JonGestures 28739.692413 23703.354434 2 254 2.782 4382.955449 2.173228 2
8 Backhand Tennis JonGestures 25896.547415 22456.537648 3 228 2.497 3643.390332 2.017544 3
9 Backhand Tennis JonGestures 29550.215431 25885.773235 3 212 2.321 4620.099892 2.169811 4
10 Baseball Throw JonGestures 50026.128213 43992.871721 5 287 3.146 8097.871597 1.282230 0

Pandas groupby

Similar to SQL, you can create groupings using the groupby function and then use describe to generate descriptive stats for each gesture (applied across all trials).

In [35]:
max_mag max_mag_p ... top_mag_freq trial_num
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max count mean ... 75% max count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
At Rest 5.0 8268.109174 205.979023 8032.764904 8065.111035 8360.118659 8392.926546 8489.624727 5.0 8126.812577 ... 0.000000 0.000000 5.0 2.0 1.581139 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Backhand Tennis 5.0 29814.397674 5158.281322 25896.547415 26276.710905 28739.692413 29550.215431 38608.822204 5.0 25504.366734 ... 2.173228 2.243902 5.0 2.0 1.581139 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Baseball Throw 5.0 50143.561017 2404.473882 47391.802836 48728.976513 50026.128213 50808.357108 53762.540416 5.0 44163.421433 ... 1.282230 1.402439 5.0 2.0 1.581139 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Custom 5.0 34986.456834 856.718002 33770.477995 34396.777523 35468.539299 35623.679316 35672.810038 5.0 31306.117089 ... 1.665158 1.699769 5.0 2.0 1.581139 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Forehand Tennis 5.0 43491.911753 4572.919314 38067.295360 40972.688660 42595.137375 45913.345859 49911.091513 5.0 37906.844161 ... 4.097166 4.407186 5.0 2.0 1.581139 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Midair 'S' 5.0 21019.983878 1441.308853 18934.511137 20797.495234 21124.999408 21263.181324 22979.732287 5.0 19458.296819 ... 1.684982 2.225806 5.0 2.0 1.581139 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Midair Clockwise 'O' 5.0 20310.202063 3058.891174 15885.236416 19283.126717 20497.904673 21738.171404 24146.571102 5.0 18631.700532 ... 1.210526 1.237668 5.0 2.0 1.581139 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 5.0 19179.417768 2024.385734 17363.103870 17664.768099 19189.290346 19214.467882 22465.458642 5.0 18347.408087 ... 1.301887 1.366337 5.0 2.0 1.581139 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Midair Zorro 'Z' 5.0 44486.542501 1862.790468 42048.295281 43618.174561 44109.507365 45971.965022 46684.770279 5.0 37345.618700 ... 3.407407 3.471698 5.0 2.0 1.581139 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Shake 5.0 37520.008690 3345.198475 34237.741982 34251.497135 37256.019755 40841.506730 41013.277850 5.0 26418.960351 ... 13.962578 16.579505 5.0 2.0 1.581139 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Underhand Bowling 5.0 40591.071629 4936.447505 35859.187721 36611.503329 39258.623919 43738.056656 47487.986523 5.0 38517.382051 ... 1.226667 4.181818 5.0 2.0 1.581139 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

11 rows × 64 columns

Pairwise correlation

We can use Pandas to calculate a pairwise correlation between features. Often, we want features that have low (near zero) correlation with one another. If multiple features are highly correlated, then they will not improve our classification performance (and will also slow down training).

The function df.corr() computes a pairwise correlation of columns (by default, using a Pearson correlation, which measures the linear correlation between two variables).

For more on understanding the relationship between your input features and the Pearson correlation, read this article from Machine Learning Mastery.

In [36]:
# Pop a few things off the dataframe, which we don't want to include
# in our correlation analysis
if 'trial_num' in df:
if 'gesture' in df:
if 'gesturer' in df:

# Compute and show the pairwise correlation table. Again, correlations vary between
# -1 to 1 where values closest to the extremes are more strongly correlated
corr = df.corr()
max_mag max_mag_p num_peaks_mag_p signal_length (samples) signal_length (secs) std_mag top_mag_freq
max_mag 1.000000 0.973259 0.216406 -0.269758 -0.269789 0.883593 0.299994
max_mag_p 0.973259 1.000000 0.056774 -0.308948 -0.308990 0.832742 0.130995
num_peaks_mag_p 0.216406 0.056774 1.000000 0.197952 0.197926 0.406461 0.874562
signal_length (samples) -0.269758 -0.308948 0.197952 1.000000 1.000000 -0.277140 0.041610
signal_length (secs) -0.269789 -0.308990 0.197926 1.000000 1.000000 -0.277185 0.041587
std_mag 0.883593 0.832742 0.406461 -0.277140 -0.277185 1.000000 0.446069
top_mag_freq 0.299994 0.130995 0.874562 0.041610 0.041587 0.446069 1.000000

Plot the pairwise correlation

Given that it's not particularly easy to find trends in a large table, we can plot this pairwise correlation table graphically and then refer back to the table for actual data.

Generally, we want to eliminate input features that are highly correlated (so close to either -1 or 1). Often, the cutoff here is 0.9 or 0.95.

From the visualization and table, we can see (unsurprisingly) that the two features signal_length (samples) and signal_length (secs) are highly correlated (indeed, exactly correlated with a correlation coefficient of 1) and that max_mag and max_mag_p are highly correlated (correlation coefficient equal to 0.97). So, one of each can be removed!

This is the type of analysis you'll want to perform with your own features. And, of course, be careful not to "overfit" to your own gesture set. Make sure to explore a variety as you're making "feature engineering" decisions.

In [37]:
import seaborn as sns # Seaborn is just a prettier plotting library

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
sns.heatmap(corr, square=True, annot=True);

We can also plot a "prettier" version of the correlation matrix (that also takes advantage of its symmetry by only showing one side).

In [28]:
# Plot a "pretty" version of the correlation matrix 
# Based on: https://seaborn.pydata.org/examples/many_pairwise_correlations.html
# Given that the correlation table is symmetrical, we remove one side 

# Generate a mask for the upper triangle
mask = np.zeros_like(corr, dtype=np.bool)
mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True

# Set up the matplotlib figure
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))

# Generate a custom diverging colormap
cmap = sns.diverging_palette(220, 10, as_cmap=True)

# Draw the heatmap with the mask and correct aspect ratio
sns.heatmap(corr, mask=mask, cmap=cmap, vmax=1, center=0,
            square=True, linewidths=.5, cbar_kws={"shrink": .5}, annot=True);

Drop highly correlated features

We can use the results of the pairwise correlation to directly drop highly correlated features (see link).

In [29]:
# Create correlation matrix
# Take the abs value so both negative and positive correlations are mapped from 0 to 1
corr_matrix = df.corr().abs()

# Select upper triangle of correlation matrix
upper = corr_matrix.where(np.triu(np.ones(corr_matrix.shape), k=1).astype(np.bool))

# Find index of feature columns with correlation greater than 0.95
to_drop = [column for column in upper.columns if any(upper[column] > 0.95)]

['max_mag_p', 'signal_length (secs)']
In [30]:
# Drop features 
print(f"Dropping {len(to_drop)} features: {to_drop}")
filtered_df = df.drop(columns=to_drop)
print("Remaining features:")
Dropping 2 features: ['max_mag_p', 'signal_length (secs)']

Remaining features:
max_mag num_peaks_mag_p signal_length (samples) std_mag top_mag_freq
48 34251.497135 20 471 10059.275593 4.297240
2 8032.764904 0 529 54.831833 0.000000
4 8489.624727 0 678 122.216694 0.000000
26 21263.181324 3 181 4063.609066 1.524862
24 38067.295360 2 206 6255.510803 4.019417

Pair plots

A slightly different version of the pairwise correlation grids is a pairplot, which graphs a pairwise scattplot between each variable in a cell and a univariate distribution along the diagonal. Pairplots combine our 2-dimensional explorations from before along with a pairwise correlation grid into a clean but highly information-dense visualization.

By default, just like the correlation grids above, the upper-right and lower-left (as split along the diagonal) are symmetrical. The diagonal shows a histrogram plot of the distribution of data for that variable.

For more information, see:

In [31]:
# Add the 'gesture' back into the DataFrame
filtered_df['gesture'] = gesture_col

# Create the pairplot (this might take a bit of time)
markers = plot_markers[:selected_gesture_set.get_num_gestures()]
sns.pairplot(filtered_df, hue="gesture", 
             plot_kws = {'alpha': 0.8, 's': 80, 'edgecolor': 'k'},
             markers = markers);
C:\Users\jonfr\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\nonparametric\kde.py:487: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  binned = fast_linbin(X, a, b, gridsize) / (delta * nobs)
C:\Users\jonfr\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\nonparametric\kdetools.py:34: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  FAC1 = 2*(np.pi*bw/RANGE)**2

Box plots

Finally, pandas has a built-in function, called boxplot to create a box-and-whisker plot from DataFrame columns. This enables you to explore the distribution of each feature and potential outliers.

If you're unfamiliar with these plots, as the pandas documentation explains, "a box plot is a method for graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their quartiles. The box extends from the Q1 to Q3 quartile values of the data, with a line at the median (Q2). The whiskers extend from the edges of box to show the range of the data. The position of the whiskers is set by default to $1.5 * IQR (IQR = Q3 - Q1)$ from the edges of the box. Outlier points are those past the end of the whiskers."

For more information, see the Wikipedia entry on box plots.

In [32]:
df.boxplot(grid=False, rot=90, fontsize=10, figsize=(12,6));

We can also graph boxplots grouped by a variable. In this case, let's group by 'gesture'.

In [33]:
df['gesture'] = gesture_col
df.boxplot(by='gesture', grid=False, rot=90, fontsize=10, figsize=(20, 12));


Whew—and to think, we haven't even made it to classification yet!

But it's important to focus on selecting good features because even the most advanced classifiers won't work without good training examples.

Below, we will walk through an entire end-to-end classification example with Scikit-learn using a selected gesture set.

Feature extraction code

Now that we've explored some features, you can add in some promising features to the method extract_features_from_trial, which our classifiers will use below.

This is where you spend quite a bit of time adding, subtracting, and manipulating input features for your model.

In [34]:
def extract_features_from_gesture_sets(gesture_sets, include_custom_gesture=True):
    Extracts features for all provided gesture sets.
        gesture_sets: collection of GestureSet objects
        include_custom_gesture: if True, includes the custom gesture. Otherwise, not.
    list_of_feature_vectors = []
    column_headers = []
    for gesture_set in gesture_sets:
        (feature_vectors, cols) = extract_features_from_gesture_set(gesture_set, include_custom_gesture)
        list_of_feature_vectors += feature_vectors
        column_headers = cols
    return (list_of_feature_vectors, column_headers)

def extract_features_from_gesture_set(gesture_set, include_custom_gesture=True):
    Extracts features from the gesture set
    list_of_feature_vectors = []
    column_headers = None
    gesture_names = None
    if include_custom_gesture:
        gesture_names = gesture_set.get_gesture_names_sorted()
        gesture_names = gesture_set.GESTURE_NAMES_WITHOUT_CUSTOM
    for gesture_name in gesture_names:
        gesture_trials = gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials[gesture_name]
        #print(gesture_name, gesture_trials)
        for trial in gesture_trials:
            features, feature_names = extract_features_from_trial(trial)
            # add in bookkeeping like gesture name and trial num
            # you shouldn't need to modify this part


            if column_headers is None:
                column_headers = feature_names
    return (list_of_feature_vectors, column_headers)

def extract_features_from_trial(trial):
    '''Returns a tuple of two lists (a list of features, a list of feature names)'''
    # Play around with features to extract and use in your model
    # Brainstorm features, visualize ideas, try them, and iterate
    # This is likely where you will spend most of your time :)
    # This is the "feature engineering" component of working in ML
    features = []
    feature_names = []
    # TODO: you may or may not want to keep these features
    # I just added them as examples! :)
    features.append(np.max(trial.accel.mag)) # append feature
    feature_names.append("mag.max()")        # add in corresponding name
    # TODO:
    # This is where you add in your new features to train the model
    return (features, feature_names)

Building an initial classifier

Alright, let's build an initial feature-based, supervised learning classifier for our gesture data. For this example, we will use a Support Vector Machine (SVM), a popular machine learning approach often used in gesture classification. (But other classification models are also possible, which we will show later. Thankfully, Scikit-learn is setup rather beautifully to enable us to swap in and out different classification models and parameters).

Extract our features

First, let's run our feature extraction code and setup a Pandas DataFrame.

In [35]:
# Extract our features

# Set the selected gesture set. We'll start with my gesture set but you can loop around
# and play with your own
selected_gesture_set = grdata.get_gesture_set_with_str(map_gesture_sets, "Jon")

(list_of_feature_vectors, feature_names) = extract_features_from_gesture_set(selected_gesture_set)
sorted_gesture_names = sorted(selected_gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials.keys())

# We'll convert the feature vector and feature names lists into Pandas tables
# which simply makes interacting with Scikit-learn easier
df = pd.DataFrame(list_of_feature_vectors, columns = feature_names)

# We don't want the trial number or gesturer to be an input feature, so remove
trial_indices = df.pop("trial_num") 
gesturer = df.pop('gesturer')
y = df.pop('gesture')

# Scikit-learn documentation consistently refer to the input feature table as X
# and the ground truth labels for this table as either y or y_true. We'll 
# use the same naming conventions
X = df

# Display a subset (first 8 rows) of the feature vector table and ground truth labels
print(f"Selected gesture set: {selected_gesture_set.name}")
display_tables_side_by_side(df, pd.DataFrame(y), n = 8, 
                            df1_caption = "Features", df2_caption = "Ground truth labels")
Selected gesture set: JonGestures
mag.max() std(mag.max()) signal_length top_mag_freq num_peaks_mag_p
0 8392.93 85.9805 407 0 1
1 8065.11 63.7863 702 0 0
2 8032.76 54.8318 529 0 0
3 8360.12 73.9136 889 0 0
4 8489.62 122.217 678 0 0
5 26276.7 3288.54 226 2.0354 2
6 38608.8 5753.68 246 2.2439 2
7 28739.7 4382.96 254 2.17323 2
Ground truth labels
0 At Rest
1 At Rest
2 At Rest
3 At Rest
4 At Rest
5 Backhand Tennis
6 Backhand Tennis
7 Backhand Tennis

Creating the classifier model

As previously noted, we will use an SVM for this example. As Wikipedia notes, "Given a set of training examples, each marked as belonging to one or the other of two categories, an SVM training algorithm builds a model that assigns new examples to one category or the other". More specifically, an SVM constructs a "hyper-plane" that attempts to divide input features along a decision boundary. The samples along this decision boundary are called the "support vectors" since they are "supporting" the limits of the hyper-plane.

This figure shows a binary classification with three samples on the decision boundary (the "support vectors")

For more information on SVMs, I recommend this approachable video by Alice Zhao entitled Support Vector Machines: A Visual Explanation with Sample Python Code.

I also suggest that you read through Scikit-learn's Supervised Learning tutorial.

So, let's do it!

In [36]:
from sklearn import svm

# Create a basic SVM with a linear kernel
# See: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.svm.SVC.html
# Note: this simply instantiates the svm.SVC class and stores it in a var called clf
# it does not actually train and run the SVM (that comes later)
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear')

Yes, that's it. Rather anti-climatic, I know. Of course, there are many different types of SVM kernels (linear, poly, rbf) and also parameters to tune like a regularization factor called C and many other things (not to mention other classifiers). You'll likely want to experiment and read about these parameters.

For now, however, let's just focus on getting the full classification framework setup.

Setting up the experiment

How should we evaluate our classifier's performance? In the shape-matching assignment, we used k-fold cross validation but there are other approaches.

In setting up our experiment, we want to ensure:

  • That we properly split our data into training and test sets. Often, an easy mistake to make (for novices and experts alike) is to accidentally include some test data into the training set. This will artifically inflate performance. Scikit-learn's experimental frameworks guard against this.
  • That we don't necessarily run only a single experiment on one arbitrary split of the data. This may also give us a distorted view of performance.

The most straightforward is called train_test_split.

80/20 Split

The simplest experimental setup is to divide your data into a training and test set (e.g., 50% for training, 50% for test). A common split is 80% for training and 20% for testing. This is a bit like our previous k-fold approach but only doing one fold (and thus, is not as rigorous).

Scikit-learn has a built-in function for this aptly called train_test_split

In [37]:
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# 80/20 split with stratification
# in this case, we have 11 gestures x 5 samples = 55 total
# so, 20% of this is 11 samples. we want to stratify by gesture name so that we get 1 example of each
# gesture in our test set. if we don't have stratify on, we could end up with an imbalanced test set
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.20, shuffle=True, stratify=y)

print("The training data:")
display_tables_side_by_side(X_train, pd.DataFrame(y_train), df1_caption="Input features", df2_caption="Class")

print("The test data:")
display_tables_side_by_side(X_test, pd.DataFrame(y_test), df1_caption="Input features", df2_caption="Class")
The training data:
Input features
mag.max() std(mag.max()) signal_length top_mag_freq num_peaks_mag_p
18 35623.7 8983.28 358 1.5419 5
38 19189.3 3871.85 212 1.30189 2
10 50026.1 8097.87 287 1.28223 5
12 47391.8 8104.75 312 0.884615 5
25 20797.5 3856.14 222 1.65766 4
6 38608.8 5753.68 246 2.2439 2
33 19283.1 4475.74 223 1.23767 4
46 40841.5 8259.7 520 10.7923 41
21 42595.1 7820.49 247 4.09717 2
39 22465.5 4418.85 202 1.36634 4
1 8065.11 63.7863 702 0 0
2 8032.76 54.8318 529 0 0
3 8360.12 73.9136 889 0 0
11 48729 7962.71 321 0.859813 7
16 35672.8 8296.31 433 1.69977 5
5 26276.7 3288.54 226 2.0354 2
27 22979.7 3857.94 273 1.68498 4
50 36611.5 6570.75 300 1.22667 2
23 45913.3 6887.55 334 4.40719 2
36 19214.5 3627.78 217 1.27189 3
32 24146.6 5013.2 228 1.21053 2
20 40972.7 5989.5 387 2.37726 1
42 43618.2 10698.3 220 2.09091 5
17 34396.8 7692.09 442 1.66516 5
24 38067.3 6255.51 206 4.01942 2
30 15885.2 3311.92 292 0.945205 4
40 44109.5 9490.99 190 2.42105 5
53 47488 9275.36 265 0 1
14 50808.4 8146.02 328 1.40244 7
48 34251.5 10059.3 471 4.29724 20
4 8489.62 122.217 678 0 0
8 25896.5 3643.39 228 2.01754 3
35 17664.8 3440.6 224 1.23214 2
51 35859.2 6513.79 307 1.1987 2
47 34237.7 9136.19 283 16.5795 37
54 43738.1 8553.18 264 4.18182 1
19 35468.5 7888.49 475 1.54947 5
26 21263.2 4063.61 181 1.52486 3
41 45972 8864.51 236 2.33898 5
31 20497.9 3993.06 286 0.965035 3
43 42048.3 9735.17 189 3.40741 5
9 29550.2 4620.1 212 2.16981 3
49 37256 7548.85 425 7.79294 27
28 21125 3584.54 218 0.844037 4
18 Custom
38 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'
10 Baseball Throw
12 Baseball Throw
25 Midair 'S'
6 Backhand Tennis
33 Midair Clockwise 'O'
46 Shake
21 Forehand Tennis
39 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'
1 At Rest
2 At Rest
3 At Rest
11 Baseball Throw
16 Custom
5 Backhand Tennis
27 Midair 'S'
50 Underhand Bowling
23 Forehand Tennis
36 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'
32 Midair Clockwise 'O'
20 Forehand Tennis
42 Midair Zorro 'Z'
17 Custom
24 Forehand Tennis
30 Midair Clockwise 'O'
40 Midair Zorro 'Z'
53 Underhand Bowling
14 Baseball Throw
48 Shake
4 At Rest
8 Backhand Tennis
35 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'
51 Underhand Bowling
47 Shake
54 Underhand Bowling
19 Custom
26 Midair 'S'
41 Midair Zorro 'Z'
31 Midair Clockwise 'O'
43 Midair Zorro 'Z'
9 Backhand Tennis
49 Shake
28 Midair 'S'
The test data:
Input features
mag.max() std(mag.max()) signal_length top_mag_freq num_peaks_mag_p
34 21738.2 4558.13 251 1.0996 3
15 33770.5 9504.46 297 1.54882 4
44 46684.8 9712.69 212 3.4717 4
22 49911.1 6773.47 364 3.28571 2
52 39258.6 7791.97 233 1.18455 2
45 41013.3 10792.6 481 13.9626 69
7 28739.7 4382.96 254 2.17323 2
29 18934.5 3197.56 248 2.22581 4
13 53762.5 8953.25 302 0.913907 5
37 17363.1 3469.13 235 1.17447 2
0 8392.93 85.9805 407 0 1
34 Midair Clockwise 'O'
15 Custom
44 Midair Zorro 'Z'
22 Forehand Tennis
52 Underhand Bowling
45 Shake
7 Backhand Tennis
29 Midair 'S'
13 Baseball Throw
37 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'
0 At Rest

Basic k-fold cross validation

In the shape-matching assignment, you implemented your own k-fold cross validation algorithm. While we didn't emphasize this then, your k-fold implementation was a type of stratified k-fold in that your folds guarantteed one sample of each class in each fold.

A more general k-fold implementation is class agnostic: it will split up your data randomly into five folds with no guarantees about class representation.

We can use sklearn.model_selection.KFold(n_splits=5, *, shuffle=False, random_state=None) for this, which takes in:

  • n_splits: Number of folds. Must be at least 2. Defaults to 5.
  • shuffle: Whether to shuffle the data before splitting into folds.
  • random_state: Controls how to shuffle the data. If you want to repeat the same random shuffling, pass in an int to be used as the random seed.

Let's take a look.

In [38]:
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold

kf_cross_validator = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True)
display_folds(kf_cross_validator, X, y, trial_indices)
Fold 0 Fold 1 Fold 2 Fold 3 Fold 4
0 At Rest 2 Backhand Tennis 0 At Rest 0 Custom 2 At Rest 3
1 At Rest 4 Baseball Throw 0 At Rest 1 Forehand Tennis 2 Backhand Tennis 4
2 Backhand Tennis 1 Baseball Throw 1 Baseball Throw 4 Midair 'S' 0 Custom 1
3 Backhand Tennis 2 Baseball Throw 2 Custom 0 Midair 'S' 3 Forehand Tennis 0
4 Backhand Tennis 3 Custom 3 Custom 4 Midair Clockwise 'O' 1 Forehand Tennis 3
5 Baseball Throw 3 Forehand Tennis 4 Forehand Tennis 1 Midair Clockwise 'O' 3 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 3
6 Midair Clockwise 'O' 0 Midair Zorro 'Z' 0 Midair 'S' 1 Midair Clockwise 'O' 4 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 4
7 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 0 Shake 0 Midair 'S' 2 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 1 Midair Zorro 'Z' 2
8 Midair Zorro 'Z' 1 Shake 3 Midair 'S' 4 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 2 Midair Zorro 'Z' 3
9 Underhand Bowling 0 Underhand Bowling 1 Midair Clockwise 'O' 2 Midair Zorro 'Z' 4 Shake 1
10 Underhand Bowling 4 Underhand Bowling 3 Shake 4 Underhand Bowling 2 Shake 2

But the problem with a basic k-fold cross validation, at least for our purposes, is that we want to ensure that the "correct answer" is always in a test fold (and this is relatively easy to accomplish because we have a perfectly balanced dataset of five samples per class). The basic KFold model doesn't do this.

So, what do we do? Enter: stratified k-fold cross validation. This is very similar to what you implemented in your last assignment.

Stratified k-fold cross validation

A stratified k-fold cross validation creates folds that preserve the percentange of samples for each class (and again, we have a perfectly balanced dataset, so 20% of each class—or one sample—will go in each fold.)

Fortunately, and quite elegantly, the StratifiedKFold API is the same as for regular KFold: sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, *, shuffle=False, random_state=None).

Let's try it out.

If things work the way they should, then we will have one sample of each class in each fold. Take a careful look at the output table.

In [39]:
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold

skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True)
display_folds(skf, X, y, trial_indices)
Fold 0 Fold 1 Fold 2 Fold 3 Fold 4
0 At Rest 2 At Rest 0 At Rest 1 At Rest 3 At Rest 4
1 Backhand Tennis 3 Backhand Tennis 4 Backhand Tennis 1 Backhand Tennis 0 Backhand Tennis 2
2 Baseball Throw 4 Baseball Throw 3 Baseball Throw 1 Baseball Throw 0 Baseball Throw 2
3 Custom 4 Custom 2 Custom 0 Custom 1 Custom 3
4 Forehand Tennis 3 Forehand Tennis 2 Forehand Tennis 1 Forehand Tennis 0 Forehand Tennis 4
5 Midair 'S' 1 Midair 'S' 2 Midair 'S' 3 Midair 'S' 4 Midair 'S' 0
6 Midair Clockwise 'O' 2 Midair Clockwise 'O' 1 Midair Clockwise 'O' 3 Midair Clockwise 'O' 0 Midair Clockwise 'O' 4
7 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 1 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 0 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 4 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 3 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 2
8 Midair Zorro 'Z' 2 Midair Zorro 'Z' 4 Midair Zorro 'Z' 3 Midair Zorro 'Z' 1 Midair Zorro 'Z' 0
9 Shake 3 Shake 2 Shake 0 Shake 4 Shake 1
10 Underhand Bowling 2 Underhand Bowling 1 Underhand Bowling 4 Underhand Bowling 0 Underhand Bowling 3

It worked!

Playing with shuffle and random state

It's often best to shuffle our folds randomly to setup our validation experiment; however, to control for reproducibility—for example, to use the same split across multiple executions (say, if you changed a preprocessing algorithm and wanted to evaluate its impact)—Scikit-learn allows you to manipulate how the random split occurs. Most simply, by passing in an int, which will be used as the random seed for the split. The same int will always produce the same split.

Let's check it out!

In [40]:
# Rerun this cell and you'll get new random splits every time
skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True)
display_folds(skf, X, y, trial_indices)
Fold 0 Fold 1 Fold 2 Fold 3 Fold 4
0 At Rest 0 At Rest 3 At Rest 2 At Rest 1 At Rest 4
1 Backhand Tennis 4 Backhand Tennis 3 Backhand Tennis 2 Backhand Tennis 1 Backhand Tennis 0
2 Baseball Throw 0 Baseball Throw 1 Baseball Throw 3 Baseball Throw 2 Baseball Throw 4
3 Custom 4 Custom 0 Custom 2 Custom 3 Custom 1
4 Forehand Tennis 0 Forehand Tennis 2 Forehand Tennis 4 Forehand Tennis 1 Forehand Tennis 3
5 Midair 'S' 4 Midair 'S' 0 Midair 'S' 1 Midair 'S' 3 Midair 'S' 2
6 Midair Clockwise 'O' 4 Midair Clockwise 'O' 0 Midair Clockwise 'O' 2 Midair Clockwise 'O' 1 Midair Clockwise 'O' 3
7 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 1 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 4 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 0 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 3 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 2
8 Midair Zorro 'Z' 2 Midair Zorro 'Z' 0 Midair Zorro 'Z' 3 Midair Zorro 'Z' 1 Midair Zorro 'Z' 4
9 Shake 1 Shake 4 Shake 0 Shake 3 Shake 2
10 Underhand Bowling 4 Underhand Bowling 2 Underhand Bowling 0 Underhand Bowling 1 Underhand Bowling 3
In [41]:
# Rerun this cell and you'll get the same splits every time
kfold_seed = 3 # setting this seed allows us to control the same random split everytime
skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=kfold_seed)
display_folds(skf, X, y, trial_indices)
Fold 0 Fold 1 Fold 2 Fold 3 Fold 4
0 At Rest 3 At Rest 4 At Rest 1 At Rest 0 At Rest 2
1 Backhand Tennis 2 Backhand Tennis 1 Backhand Tennis 3 Backhand Tennis 4 Backhand Tennis 0
2 Baseball Throw 0 Baseball Throw 4 Baseball Throw 1 Baseball Throw 2 Baseball Throw 3
3 Custom 3 Custom 0 Custom 4 Custom 1 Custom 2
4 Forehand Tennis 3 Forehand Tennis 2 Forehand Tennis 1 Forehand Tennis 0 Forehand Tennis 4
5 Midair 'S' 3 Midair 'S' 4 Midair 'S' 1 Midair 'S' 2 Midair 'S' 0
6 Midair Clockwise 'O' 3 Midair Clockwise 'O' 1 Midair Clockwise 'O' 0 Midair Clockwise 'O' 4 Midair Clockwise 'O' 2
7 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 4 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 0 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 1 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 2 Midair Counter-clockwise 'O' 3
8 Midair Zorro 'Z' 3 Midair Zorro 'Z' 0 Midair Zorro 'Z' 2 Midair Zorro 'Z' 4 Midair Zorro 'Z' 1
9 Shake 4 Shake 1 Shake 0 Shake 2 Shake 3
10 Underhand Bowling 2 Underhand Bowling 4 Underhand Bowling 0 Underhand Bowling 3 Underhand Bowling 1

Running the experiment

Finally, we are ready to run our classification experiment using cross-validation.

Using cross_val_score

Let's start with the simplest way to this, using cross_val_score, which takes in (among other things):

  • estimator: A classifier, which Scikit-learn calls more generally an estimator (because their framework works with regression problems as well as classification problems). Recall that we instantiated an SVM model and stored it in the clf variable (the SVM has yet to be trained, that's what this step does).
  • X: our input features
  • y: the class labels
  • cv: the cross validation model, which we previously created as a StratifiedKFold and stored it in skf
In [42]:
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

scores = cross_val_score(clf, X, y, cv=skf)
print("Fold scores:", scores)
print("Overall: {:.2f}%".format(np.mean(scores) * 100))
Fold scores: [0.63636364 0.63636364 0.63636364 0.72727273 0.63636364]
Overall: 65.45%

Not bad, huh? 65.5% accuracy with just a few simple features. And you'll be able to do much better once you add in more thoughtful features.

Using cross_validate

Let's use the cross_validate function instead of cross_val_score to produce more detailed performance results like how long each training and testing step took (called fit_time and score_time, respectively).

Noticeably, the SVM is much faster to train and test than our shape-based models from before!

In [43]:
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate

cv_results = cross_validate(clf, X, y, cv=skf, return_train_score=False)
{'fit_time': array([0.01999426, 0.03999734, 0.04500031, 0.03900003, 0.01800156]), 'score_time': array([0.0040009 , 0.00300145, 0.00299883, 0.00399971, 0.0049963 ]), 'test_score': array([0.63636364, 0.63636364, 0.63636364, 0.72727273, 0.63636364])}

Beautify into a Pandas DataFrame table.

In [44]:
print(f"Overall average: {np.mean(cv_results['test_score']):.3f} (SD={np.std(cv_results['test_score']):0.3f})")
fit_time score_time test_score
0 0.019994 0.004001 0.636364
1 0.039997 0.003001 0.636364
2 0.045000 0.002999 0.636364
3 0.039000 0.004000 0.727273
4 0.018002 0.004996 0.636364
Overall average: 0.655 (SD=0.036)

Using cross_val_predict

Perhaps the most useful experimental validation method, however, is cross_val_predict, which returns a prediction array that we can use to compute additional performance statistics.

In [45]:
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict

y_pred = cross_val_predict(clf, X, y, cv=skf)
['At Rest' 'At Rest' 'At Rest' 'At Rest' 'At Rest' 'Backhand Tennis'
 'Forehand Tennis' 'Backhand Tennis' 'Backhand Tennis' 'Backhand Tennis'
 'Baseball Throw' 'Baseball Throw' 'Baseball Throw' 'Baseball Throw'
 'Baseball Throw' 'Custom' 'Custom' 'Custom' 'Shake' 'Custom'
 'Backhand Tennis' 'Underhand Bowling' 'Baseball Throw' 'Forehand Tennis'
 'Backhand Tennis' "Midair 'S'" "Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'"
 "Midair 'S'" "Midair 'S'" "Midair 'S'" "Midair Clockwise 'O'"
 "Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'" "Midair 'S'" "Midair Clockwise 'O'"
 "Midair Clockwise 'O'" "Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'" "Midair 'S'"
 "Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'" "Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'"
 "Midair 'S'" "Midair Zorro 'Z'" 'Underhand Bowling' "Midair Zorro 'Z'"
 'Shake' "Midair Zorro 'Z'" "Midair Zorro 'Z'" 'Underhand Bowling'
 'Custom' 'Custom' 'Shake' 'Underhand Bowling' 'Underhand Bowling' 'Shake'
 "Midair Zorro 'Z'" 'Underhand Bowling']

With the y_pred array, you can now use other metrics like accuracy_score, confusion matrix, etc.

In [46]:
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

overall_acc = accuracy_score(y, y_pred)
print(f"{overall_acc * 100:0.2f}%")

Classification report

With the y_pred array, we can build a classification report.

In [47]:
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report

print(classification_report(y, y_pred))
                              precision    recall  f1-score   support

                     At Rest       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
             Backhand Tennis       0.67      0.80      0.73         5
              Baseball Throw       0.83      1.00      0.91         5
                      Custom       0.67      0.80      0.73         5
             Forehand Tennis       0.50      0.20      0.29         5
                  Midair 'S'       0.57      0.80      0.67         5
        Midair Clockwise 'O'       1.00      0.60      0.75         5
Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'       0.60      0.60      0.60         5
            Midair Zorro 'Z'       0.60      0.60      0.60         5
                       Shake       0.25      0.20      0.22         5
           Underhand Bowling       0.50      0.60      0.55         5

                    accuracy                           0.65        55
                   macro avg       0.65      0.65      0.64        55
                weighted avg       0.65      0.65      0.64        55

Build a confusion matrix

Now let's build our friendly, helpful confusion matrices!

In [48]:
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

cm = confusion_matrix(y, y_pred, labels=sorted_gesture_names)
[[5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0]
 [0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1]
 [0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1]
 [0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1]
 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3]]

Beautify the confusion matrix:

In [49]:
import sklearn.metrics

cm_title = f"SVM {accuracy_score(y, y_pred) * 100:.2f}%"
grvis.plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes=sorted_gesture_names, title=cm_title)

Scaling our input features

A final but no less important step—which we skipped over above simply to provide a straightforward example—is that many classifiers (including an SVM) are sensitive to feature scaling. That is, performance varies dramatically if all input features are not normalized.

Fortunately, Scikit-learn has a solution but it does introduce a bit of complexity: namely, we shift from using our core classifier model clf to a Pipeline object, which takes in a list of "steps" and executes them sequentially where steps can include preprocessing, transforming, and eventually classifying an input.

Importantly, Scikit-learn "learns" a feature-scaling model for each feature from the training set and applies it to the test set.

If you're curious about preprocessing data, in general, for machine learning, we suggest Scikit-learn's article on preprocessing and the Wikipedia article on Feature Scaling. This Towards Data Science article also has a good discussion of different Scikit-learn scaling features, including MinMaxScaler, RobustScaler, and StandardScaler

Using StandardScaler

We'll show how to use two normalization methods with Scikit-learn, starting with: StandardScaler, which standardizes features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance.

Centering and scaling happen independently on each feature by computing the relevant statistics on the samples in the training set. Mean and standard deviation are then stored to be used on later data using transform. Again, importantly, we "learn" scalings based on our training set only, which we then apply to our test set (and yes, we run the risk of unexpected transforms if our test set data does not look like our training set data).

Graphing features before and after StandardScaler

In [50]:
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

# For this example, we'll use 80/20 split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.20, shuffle=True, stratify=y)

# Create the transform class
scaler = StandardScaler()
scaler.fit(X_train) # "learn" a scaling model from the training data for each feature
X_train_scaled = scaler.transform(X_train) # actually apply the scaling

# Plot the unscaled and scaled versions
df_train_scaled = pd.DataFrame(X_train_scaled, columns=X.columns)
# display(X.head())
# display(df_train_scaled.head())

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(15, 12))
df.boxplot(grid=False, rot=90, fontsize=10, ax=axes[0]);
df_train_scaled.boxplot(grid=False, rot=90, fontsize=10, ax=axes[1])
axes[0].set_title("Unscaled input features")
axes[1].set_title("Scaled input features using StandardScaler")
fig.tight_layout(pad = 2)

Incorporating StandardScaler into our classification pipeline

To use StandardScaler or any of the preprocessing steps with Scikit-learn, it's best to use a Pipeline object. Pipelines are a sequence of "steps" that the Scikit-learn framework will execute in order.

Let's try it.

In [51]:
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

# Create the transform class
scaler = StandardScaler()

# Create the pipeline object. Scikit-learn will execute these objects in sequence
# and use the output from one to the other
pipeline = Pipeline([('scaler', scaler), ('classifier', clf)])

# Now use cross_val_predict with our pipeline object vs. clf
y_pred = cross_val_predict(pipeline, X, y, cv=skf)
print("SCALED RESULTS: {:.2f}%".format(accuracy_score(y, y_pred) * 100))
print(classification_report(y, y_pred))

cm = confusion_matrix(y, y_pred, labels=sorted_gesture_names)
graph_title = f"{selected_gesture_set.name} | Scaled Features SVM {accuracy_score(y, y_pred) * 100:.2f}%"
grvis.plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes=sorted_gesture_names, title=graph_title)
                              precision    recall  f1-score   support

                     At Rest       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
             Backhand Tennis       0.67      0.40      0.50         5
              Baseball Throw       0.83      1.00      0.91         5
                      Custom       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
             Forehand Tennis       0.80      0.80      0.80         5
                  Midair 'S'       0.29      0.40      0.33         5
        Midair Clockwise 'O'       0.67      0.40      0.50         5
Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'       0.57      0.80      0.67         5
            Midair Zorro 'Z'       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
                       Shake       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
           Underhand Bowling       0.75      0.60      0.67         5

                    accuracy                           0.76        55
                   macro avg       0.78      0.76      0.76        55
                weighted avg       0.78      0.76      0.76        55

As expected with an SVM model, our results improved from 65.5% to 76.4%. Not bad and using only five input features.


As a point of comparison and to show you what's possible, let's try another scaling transform called MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0,1)), which transforms features in a given range using:

X_std = (X - X.min(axis=0)) / (X.max(axis=0) - X.min(axis=0))
X_scaled = X_std * (max - min) + min

where min and max are the min and max of the input variable feature_range (which defaults to 0 and 1).

Graphing before and after with MinMaxScaler

In [52]:
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

# For this example, we'll use 80/20 split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.20, shuffle=True, stratify=y)

# Create the transform class
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
scaler.fit(X_train) # "learn" a scaling model from the training data for each feature
X_train_scaled = scaler.transform(X_train) # actually apply the scaling

# Plot the unscaled and scaled versions
df_train_scaled = pd.DataFrame(X_train_scaled, columns=X.columns)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(15, 12))
df.boxplot(grid=False, rot=90, fontsize=10, ax=axes[0]);
df_train_scaled.boxplot(grid=False, rot=90, fontsize=10, ax=axes[1])
axes[0].set_title("Unscaled input features")
axes[1].set_title("Scaled input features using MinMaxScaler")
fig.tight_layout(pad = 2)

Classification with MinMaxScaler

As before, let's run a full classification using MinMaxScaler in a pipeline object.

In [53]:
# Create the transform class
scaler = MinMaxScaler()

# Create the pipeline object. Scikit-learn will execute these objects in sequence
# and use the output from one to the other
pipeline = Pipeline([('scaler', scaler), ('classifier', clf)])

# Now use cross_val_predict with our pipeline object vs. clf
y_pred = cross_val_predict(pipeline, X, y, cv=skf)
print("SCALED RESULTS: {:.2f}%".format(accuracy_score(y, y_pred) * 100))
print(classification_report(y, y_pred))

cm = confusion_matrix(y, y_pred, labels=sorted_gesture_names)
graph_title = f"{selected_gesture_set.name} | Scaled Features SVM {accuracy_score(y, y_pred) * 100:.2f}%"
grvis.plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes=sorted_gesture_names, title=graph_title)
                              precision    recall  f1-score   support

                     At Rest       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
             Backhand Tennis       1.00      0.40      0.57         5
              Baseball Throw       0.83      1.00      0.91         5
                      Custom       0.62      1.00      0.77         5
             Forehand Tennis       0.60      0.60      0.60         5
                  Midair 'S'       0.20      0.20      0.20         5
        Midair Clockwise 'O'       0.67      0.40      0.50         5
Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'       0.44      0.80      0.57         5
            Midair Zorro 'Z'       0.71      1.00      0.83         5
                       Shake       1.00      0.60      0.75         5
           Underhand Bowling       0.50      0.20      0.29         5

                    accuracy                           0.65        55
                   macro avg       0.69      0.65      0.64        55
                weighted avg       0.69      0.65      0.64        55

Full SVM example (redux)

OK, let's do implement the full classification pipeline but this time in a single cell (so it's easier to see how everything fits together). And let's pick a different gesture set this time as well.

In [54]:
print(f"We have {len(map_gesture_sets)} gesture sets:")
for gesture_set_name, gesture_set in map_gesture_sets.items():
    print(f" {gesture_set_name} with {len(gesture_set.get_all_trials())} trials")

# Feel free to change the selected_gesture_set. It's just a convenient variable
# to explore one gesture set at a time
print(f"The selected gesture set is currently: {selected_gesture_set.name}")
We have 27 gesture sets:
 AGestures with 55 trials
 AlexandraGestures with 55 trials
 AlexisGestures with 55 trials
 AnjaliGestures with 55 trials
 BrettGestures with 55 trials
 BryanGestures with 55 trials
 ClayGestures with 55 trials
 DustinGestures with 55 trials
 EmmaGestures with 55 trials
 JaeHGestures with 55 trials
 JasonGestures with 55 trials
 JonGestures with 55 trials
 JuliaBGestures with 55 trials
 JustinGestures with 55 trials
 MattCGestures with 55 trials
 MikaelGestures with 55 trials
 NanGestures with 55 trials
 NeilGestures with 55 trials
 NickGestures with 55 trials
 NooseGestures with 55 trials
 OjasviGestures with 55 trials
 Paf2Gestures with 55 trials
 SamuelRGestures with 55 trials
 ShaunGestures with 55 trials
 StacyGestures with 55 trials
 ThweidGestures with 55 trials
 WolfGestures with 55 trials
The selected gesture set is currently: JonGestures
In [73]:
# Grab a gesture set. I'm using "Justin" but feel free to play with any others, including your own (obviously!)
selected_gesture_set = grdata.get_gesture_set_with_str(map_gesture_sets, "Justin")

(list_of_feature_vectors, feature_names) = extract_features_from_gesture_set(selected_gesture_set)
sorted_gesture_names = sorted(selected_gesture_set.map_gestures_to_trials.keys())

# We'll convert the feature vector and feature names lists into Pandas tables
# which simply makes interacting with Scikit-learn easier
df = pd.DataFrame(list_of_feature_vectors, columns = feature_names)

# We don't want the trial number or gesturer to be an input feature, so remove
trial_indices = df.pop("trial_num") 
gesturer = df.pop('gesturer')
y = df.pop('gesture')

# Scikit-learn documentation consistently refer to the input feature table as X
# and the ground truth labels for this table as either y or y_true. We'll 
# use the same naming conventions
X = df

kfold_seed = 3 # setting this seed allows us to control the same random split everytime
skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=kfold_seed)

clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=0.4)
scaler = StandardScaler()
pipeline = Pipeline([('scaler', scaler), ('classifier', clf)])

print(f"Results for {selected_gesture_set.name}")
y_pred = cross_val_predict(pipeline, X, y, cv=skf)
print("Overall SVM accuracy: {:.2f}%".format(accuracy_score(y, y_pred) * 100))
print(classification_report(y, y_pred, target_names=sorted_gesture_names))

cm = confusion_matrix(y, y_pred, labels=sorted_gesture_names)
graph_title = f"{selected_gesture_set.name} | SVM {accuracy_score(y, y_pred) * 100:.2f}%"
grvis.plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes=sorted_gesture_names, title=graph_title)
Results for JustinGestures
Overall SVM accuracy: 74.55%
                              precision    recall  f1-score   support

                     At Rest       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
             Backhand Tennis       1.00      0.80      0.89         5
              Baseball Throw       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
                      Custom       0.45      1.00      0.62         5
             Forehand Tennis       0.00      0.00      0.00         5
                  Midair 'S'       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
        Midair Clockwise 'O'       0.50      0.20      0.29         5
Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'       0.50      0.80      0.62         5
            Midair Zorro 'Z'       0.75      0.60      0.67         5
                       Shake       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
           Underhand Bowling       0.80      0.80      0.80         5

                    accuracy                           0.75        55
                   macro avg       0.73      0.75      0.72        55
                weighted avg       0.73      0.75      0.72        55

Experimenting with other classifiers

By now, hopefully, you've realized the breadth and depth of the Scikit-learn library—and again, we've only touched on a small number of possibilities. Before we complete this introduction, we wanted to emphasize one other architectural delight: the various Scikit-learn classifiers have the same basic API and so can be easily swapped and compared with one another (indeed, you can even design and implement your own classifier class if you'd like).

We'll just quickly show two other common classifiers: k-nearest neighbors (kNN) and a decision tree.

kNN classifier

For background on nearest neighbor approaches, read Scikit-learn's overview.

In [74]:
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

clf = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3)
scaler = StandardScaler()
pipeline = Pipeline([('scaler', scaler), ('classifier', clf)])

print(f"Results for {selected_gesture_set.name}")
y_pred = cross_val_predict(pipeline, X, y, cv=skf)
print("Overall kNN accuracy: {:.2f}%".format(accuracy_score(y, y_pred) * 100))
print(classification_report(y, y_pred, target_names=sorted_gesture_names))

cm = confusion_matrix(y, y_pred, labels=sorted_gesture_names)
graph_title = f"{selected_gesture_set.name} | kNN {accuracy_score(y, y_pred) * 100:.2f}%"
grvis.plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes=sorted_gesture_names, title=graph_title)
Results for JustinGestures
Overall kNN accuracy: 85.45%
                              precision    recall  f1-score   support

                     At Rest       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
             Backhand Tennis       1.00      0.80      0.89         5
              Baseball Throw       0.71      1.00      0.83         5
                      Custom       0.80      0.80      0.80         5
             Forehand Tennis       0.80      0.80      0.80         5
                  Midair 'S'       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
        Midair Clockwise 'O'       0.71      1.00      0.83         5
Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'       1.00      0.60      0.75         5
            Midair Zorro 'Z'       0.75      0.60      0.67         5
                       Shake       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
           Underhand Bowling       0.80      0.80      0.80         5

                    accuracy                           0.85        55
                   macro avg       0.87      0.85      0.85        55
                weighted avg       0.87      0.85      0.85        55

Decision tree classifier

For background on decision trees, read Scikit-learn's overview.

In [76]:
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier

clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0)
scaler = StandardScaler()
pipeline = Pipeline([('scaler', scaler), ('classifier', clf)])

print(f"Results for {selected_gesture_set.name}")
y_pred = cross_val_predict(pipeline, X, y, cv=skf)
print("Overall Decision Tree accuracy: {:.2f}%".format(accuracy_score(y, y_pred) * 100))
print(classification_report(y, y_pred, target_names=sorted_gesture_names))

cm = confusion_matrix(y, y_pred, labels=sorted_gesture_names)
graph_title = f"{selected_gesture_set.name} | Decision Tree {accuracy_score(y, y_pred) * 100:.2f}%"
grvis.plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes=sorted_gesture_names, title=graph_title)
Results for JustinGestures
Overall Decision Tree accuracy: 80.00%
                              precision    recall  f1-score   support

                     At Rest       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
             Backhand Tennis       0.80      0.80      0.80         5
              Baseball Throw       0.60      0.60      0.60         5
                      Custom       1.00      0.60      0.75         5
             Forehand Tennis       0.43      0.60      0.50         5
                  Midair 'S'       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
        Midair Clockwise 'O'       1.00      0.80      0.89         5
Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'       0.83      1.00      0.91         5
            Midair Zorro 'Z'       0.80      0.80      0.80         5
                       Shake       1.00      1.00      1.00         5
           Underhand Bowling       0.60      0.60      0.60         5

                    accuracy                           0.80        55
                   macro avg       0.82      0.80      0.80        55
                weighted avg       0.82      0.80      0.80        55

Cross-user classification

For Part 2 of your assignment, we would like you to build two cross-user models:

  • The first model is trained on all users (the training set) except for one (the test set). Iterate through all users as test sets and report classification accuracies for each (in graph form) as well as overall accuracies (average accuracy across all users with standard deviation). To be clear, you are not running a standard k-fold cross validation here but instead a leave-one-out validation approach (where you leave one user out from the training set per classification experiment).

  • For the second cross-user model, train again on all users but also four of the five gesture samples (of each gesture) from the target user. To simplify things, you need not run k-fold cross validation. You can simply randomly select four of five gesture samples (once). We expect that classification accuracies should increase here. Is that what happens? Update: The example code that we provide below does run k-fold cross validation, so please just use that.

Importantly, we need to exclude the custom gesture since everyone's gesture for this is different.

Put your code and performance results below here.

First model: Leave one group out

We are going to help you setup an initial experimental framework—first by hand to build intuition and then using Scikit-learn's LeaveOneGroupOut method.

By providing this scaffolding, we hope you can focus on feature selection, selecting a model, and parameter tuning.

Manual implementation

Below, we show how to manually build a leave-one-group-out cross validation. The overall idea is to use N - 1 gesture sets as training and the Nth gesture set as a test set. Then iterate through all combinations so each gesture set serves as a leave-one-out test set.

In [77]:
# Extract all features across *all* gesture sets. We'll manage which is used for training and test below
(list_of_feature_vectors, feature_names) = extract_features_from_gesture_sets(map_gesture_sets.values(),
# Convert into a lovely Pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(list_of_feature_vectors, columns = feature_names)
trial_indices = df.pop("trial_num") # we don't want trial_num as an input feature
scores = [] # store our overall accuracy scores

map_gesture_set_name_to_score = dict()
# Here's where we iterate through all gesture sets, keeping one as a test and the rest as training
# for each iteration
for test_gesture_set in map_gesture_sets.values():
    # get all gesture sets except for the test set
    training_gesture_sets = grdata.get_all_gesture_sets_except(map_gesture_sets, test_gesture_set.name)
    # setup the test and training set DataFrames
    test_set_df = df.loc[df['gesturer'] == test_gesture_set.name]
    training_set_df = df.drop(list(test_set_df.index.values))
    # debug prints
    #print(f"The test set contains {len(test_set_df)} rows and {test_set_df['gesturer'].nunique()} gesturers")
    #print(f"The training set contains {len(training_set_df)} rows and {training_set_df['gesturer'].nunique()} gesturers")
    # we don't want 'gesturer' as an input feature, so remove it

    # Setup our training and test sets (and use variable names consistent with the Scikit-learn world)
    X_train = training_set_df
    y_train = training_set_df.pop('gesture')
    X_test = test_set_df
    y_test = test_set_df.pop('gesture')
    # debug prints
    #print(f"The test set has {len(X_test.columns)} input features")
    #print(f"The test set's input features: {X_test.columns.values}")
    # Scale data. Super critical. Try commenting this out and observing what happens!
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    scaler.fit(X_train) # learn scaling from training data
    X_train = scaler.transform(X_train)
    X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)

    # Create our classifier. Change this to whatever you want
    clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear')
    clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
    score = clf.score(X_test, y_test)
    # y_pred = clf.predict(X_test) # to get more detailed perf, you can do clf.predict
    print(f"{test_gesture_set.name}: {score * 100:.2f}%")
    map_gesture_set_name_to_score[test_gesture_set.name] = score

print(f"Overall cross-user accuracy: {np.mean(scores)*100:0.2f}% (SD={np.std(scores)*100:0.2f}%)")
AGestures: 42.00%
AlexandraGestures: 54.00%
AlexisGestures: 56.00%
AnjaliGestures: 68.00%
BrettGestures: 44.00%
BryanGestures: 38.00%
ClayGestures: 52.00%
DustinGestures: 54.00%
EmmaGestures: 40.00%
JaeHGestures: 54.00%
JasonGestures: 48.00%
JonGestures: 50.00%
JuliaBGestures: 38.00%
JustinGestures: 66.00%
MattCGestures: 54.00%
MikaelGestures: 52.00%
NanGestures: 52.00%
NeilGestures: 46.00%
NickGestures: 54.00%
NooseGestures: 44.00%
OjasviGestures: 48.00%
Paf2Gestures: 50.00%
SamuelRGestures: 48.00%
ShaunGestures: 40.00%
StacyGestures: 44.00%
ThweidGestures: 52.00%
WolfGestures: 56.00%
Overall cross-user accuracy: 49.78% (SD=7.29%)
In [78]:
graph_title = f"LeaveOneGroupOut | Overall accuracy: {np.mean(scores)*100:0.2f}% (SD={np.std(scores)*100:0.2f}%)"
plot_bar_graph(map_gesture_set_name_to_score, title=graph_title)

Using Scikit-learn's LeaveOneGroupOut

Now, let's use Scikit-learn's built-in LeaveOneGroupOut approach. Because LeaveOneGroupOut requires integer categories to describe groups (rather than strings), we will need to do just a bit of setup. Thankfully, Pandas has built-in support to convert strings to category codes automatically. So, we will do this first and then rely on LeaveOneGroupOut to do all the hard work for us.

And because we built a manual implemention above, we can use that as a quick sanity check to confirm that our results are as expected. Just make sure you're using the same classifier and normalization.

In [79]:
from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneGroupOut

(list_of_feature_vectors, feature_names) = extract_features_from_gesture_sets(map_gesture_sets.values(),

# Convert into a DataFrame and drop trial_num as a feature
df = pd.DataFrame(list_of_feature_vectors, columns = feature_names)
trial_indices = df.pop("trial_num")

# Add in a nominal (integer) category column for gesturer, since
# LeaveOneGroupOut creates groups based on integers rather than strings
df["gesturer"] = df["gesturer"].astype('category')
df["gesturer_cat"] = df["gesturer"].cat.codes

# Print out number of unique gestures
print(f"Num unique gestures: {df['gesture'].nunique()}")
print(f"The gestures: {df['gesture'].unique()}")
# Setup the input DataFrames to Sci-kit learn
X = df
y = df.pop('gesture')
print(f"LeaveOneGroupOut will create {LeaveOneGroupOut().get_n_splits(X, y, groups = df['gesturer_cat'])} splits")

# Remove gesturer and gesturer_cat as input features
gesturer = df.pop('gesturer')
group_by_gesturer_cat = df.pop("gesturer_cat")

# Setup classifier and normalization
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear') # again, change this to the model + parameters that you want
scaler = StandardScaler()
pipeline = Pipeline([('scaler', scaler), ('classifier', clf)])

scores = cross_val_score(pipeline, X, y, cv = LeaveOneGroupOut().split(X, y, groups = group_by_gesturer_cat))
print("Raw scores:", scores)

print(f"Overall accuracy: {np.mean(scores) * 100:0.2f}% (SD={np.std(scores) * 100:0.2f})%")
# loop through names + scores. Scores are in same order as group_by_gesturer_cat
# Looping through category codes, from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51102402
map_cat_code_to_gesturer = dict(enumerate(gesturer.cat.categories))
map_gesturer_to_score = dict()
for cat_code, gesturer_name in map_cat_code_to_gesturer.items():
    print(f"{gesturer_name}: {scores[cat_code] * 100:0.2f}%")
    map_gesturer_to_score[gesturer_name] = scores[cat_code]
Num unique gestures: 10
The gestures: ['Forehand Tennis' "Midair 'S'" 'Backhand Tennis' 'At Rest'
 "Midair Zorro 'Z'" 'Underhand Bowling' "Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'"
 'Shake' "Midair Clockwise 'O'" 'Baseball Throw']
LeaveOneGroupOut will create 27 splits
Raw scores: [0.42 0.54 0.56 0.68 0.44 0.38 0.52 0.54 0.4  0.54 0.48 0.5  0.38 0.66
 0.54 0.52 0.52 0.46 0.54 0.44 0.48 0.5  0.48 0.4  0.44 0.52 0.56]

Overall accuracy: 49.78% (SD=7.29)%
AGestures: 42.00%
AlexandraGestures: 54.00%
AlexisGestures: 56.00%
AnjaliGestures: 68.00%
BrettGestures: 44.00%
BryanGestures: 38.00%
ClayGestures: 52.00%
DustinGestures: 54.00%
EmmaGestures: 40.00%
JaeHGestures: 54.00%
JasonGestures: 48.00%
JonGestures: 50.00%
JuliaBGestures: 38.00%
JustinGestures: 66.00%
MattCGestures: 54.00%
MikaelGestures: 52.00%
NanGestures: 52.00%
NeilGestures: 46.00%
NickGestures: 54.00%
NooseGestures: 44.00%
OjasviGestures: 48.00%
Paf2Gestures: 50.00%
SamuelRGestures: 48.00%
ShaunGestures: 40.00%
StacyGestures: 44.00%
ThweidGestures: 52.00%
WolfGestures: 56.00%
In [80]:
graph_title = f"LeaveOneGroupOut | Overall accuracy: {np.mean(scores)*100:0.2f}% (SD={np.std(scores)*100:0.2f}%)"
plot_bar_graph(map_gesture_set_name_to_score, title=graph_title)

And, indeed, both our manual implementation and using Scikit-learn's LeaveOneGroupOut provide the same result.

But using LeaveOneGroupOut also makes it easier to use all of Scikit-learn's extensive performance metrics. For example:

In [81]:
y_pred = cross_val_predict(pipeline, X, y, cv = LeaveOneGroupOut().split(X, y, groups = group_by_gesturer_cat))
print("Overall SVM accuracy: {:.2f}%".format(accuracy_score(y, y_pred) * 100))
print(classification_report(y, y_pred))

cm = confusion_matrix(y, y_pred, labels=y.unique())
graph_title = f"Overall Cross-Model Accuracy | SVM {accuracy_score(y, y_pred) * 100:.2f}%"
grvis.plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes=y.unique(), title=graph_title, normalize=False)

grvis.plot_confusion_matrix(cm, classes=y.unique(), title=graph_title + " Normalized", normalize=True, figsize=(12,8))
Overall SVM accuracy: 49.78%
                              precision    recall  f1-score   support

                     At Rest       0.98      0.99      0.98       135
             Backhand Tennis       0.30      0.17      0.22       135
              Baseball Throw       0.37      0.30      0.33       135
             Forehand Tennis       0.37      0.40      0.39       135
                  Midair 'S'       0.50      0.56      0.53       135
        Midair Clockwise 'O'       0.33      0.25      0.29       135
Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'       0.39      0.53      0.45       135
            Midair Zorro 'Z'       0.44      0.56      0.49       135
                       Shake       0.89      0.76      0.82       135
           Underhand Bowling       0.39      0.47      0.42       135

                    accuracy                           0.50      1350
                   macro avg       0.50      0.50      0.49      1350
                weighted avg       0.50      0.50      0.49      1350

Second model: leave one gesture trial out

In this second model, we assume that the "test" user provides some initial training data—perhaps during a calibration phase when they first get the accelerometer-based input controller. We will train on all data from all users except for a single set of trials from the test user.

We expect that this model will perform better than the LeaveOneGroupOut model because it's trained on per-user data as well.

Two immediately interesting questions arise:

  1. How much better does it perform? This is easy to answer and, indeed, will be answered by our cells below.
  2. How much per-user training data do you need (below, we use 4 of 5 gesture trials)? You could explore this on your own.

Run on just one gesture set for illustrative purposes

Let's begin by selecting a test gesture set, grabbing four of five random trials for training (and the fifth trial for testing), and then combining that with the rest of our training set (for all other users).

In [84]:
(list_of_feature_vectors, feature_names) = extract_features_from_gesture_sets(map_gesture_sets.values(),

df = pd.DataFrame(list_of_feature_vectors, columns = feature_names)

# Select the test gesture set. For example, "EmmaGestures" or "JonGestures"
just_test_gesturer = df.loc[df['gesturer'] == "JonGestures"]
print(f"Selected {just_test_gesturer['gesturer'].iloc[0]} for testing")
test_df = pd.DataFrame()
drop_indices = []

# Extract 1 random gesture trial for each gesture class in the test gesture set
# The test DataFrame will be test_df
print("The randomly selected test trials:")
for gesture_name in gesture_set.GESTURE_NAMES_WITHOUT_CUSTOM:
    just_gesture = just_test_gesturer.loc[df['gesture'] == gesture_name]
    random_gesture_trial = just_gesture.sample(1, random_state=None) # change random state to an int to control random seed
    selected_trial_num = random_gesture_trial['trial_num'].iloc[0]
    print(f"  '{gesture_name}' Selected trial num: {selected_trial_num} at DataFrame index {random_gesture_trial.index[0]}")
    test_df = test_df.append(random_gesture_trial)

# We don't want trial number or gesturer as an input feature, so remove them
trial_indices = df.pop("trial_num")
gesturer = df.pop('gesturer')
# Setup training and test DataFrames
training_df = df.drop(drop_indices)
X_train = training_df
y_train = training_df.pop('gesture')
X_test = test_df
y_test = test_df.pop('gesture')

# Scale data first
scaler = StandardScaler()
X_train = scaler.transform(X_train)
X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)

# Score
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear')
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
score = clf.score(X_test, y_test)
print(f"Classification accuracy: {score * 100:.2f}%")
Selected JonGestures for testing
The randomly selected test trials:
  'Forehand Tennis' Selected trial num: 1 at DataFrame index 551
  'Midair 'S'' Selected trial num: 0 at DataFrame index 555
  'Backhand Tennis' Selected trial num: 3 at DataFrame index 563
  'At Rest' Selected trial num: 4 at DataFrame index 569
  'Midair Zorro 'Z'' Selected trial num: 2 at DataFrame index 572
  'Underhand Bowling' Selected trial num: 3 at DataFrame index 578
  'Midair Counter-clockwise 'O'' Selected trial num: 3 at DataFrame index 583
  'Shake' Selected trial num: 0 at DataFrame index 585
  'Midair Clockwise 'O'' Selected trial num: 2 at DataFrame index 592
  'Baseball Throw' Selected trial num: 2 at DataFrame index 597
Classification accuracy: 70.00%

Using k-fold cross validation on one gesture set

If you rerun the cell above, you're likely to get vastly different classification results based on which gestures were randomly selected for test. So, instead, let's use StratifiedKFold and run train and test on five different folds of the selected test set's data. This will provide a more robust evaluation of our model.

In [85]:
(list_of_feature_vectors, feature_names) = extract_features_from_gesture_sets(map_gesture_sets.values(),

df = pd.DataFrame(list_of_feature_vectors, columns = feature_names)
trial_indices = df.pop("trial_num")

# Select the test gesture set. For example, "EmmaGestures" or "JonGestures"
just_test_gesturer = df.loc[df['gesturer'] == "JonGestures"]
print(f"Selected {just_test_gesturer['gesturer'].iloc[0]} for testing")
just_test_gesturer_y_true = just_test_gesturer.pop('gesture')
gesturer = df.pop('gesturer')

skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state = None)
scores = []
for train_index, test_index in skf.split(just_test_gesturer, just_test_gesturer_y_true):
    # The training set is everything but the test indices for this fold
    df_training = df.drop(test_index)
    # Setup the training and test DataFrames
    X_train = df_training
    y_train = df_training.pop('gesture')
    X_test = just_test_gesturer.iloc[test_index]
    y_test = just_test_gesturer_y_true.iloc[test_index]

    # Scale data first
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    X_train = scaler.transform(X_train)
    X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)

    # Score
    clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear')
    clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
    score = clf.score(X_test, y_test)

    print(f" Fold: {len(scores)} Score: {score:.3f}")
print(f"Overall accuracy: {np.mean(scores)*100:0.2f}% (SD={np.std(scores)*100:0.2f}%)")
Selected JonGestures for testing
 Fold: 1 Score: 0.600
 Fold: 2 Score: 0.500
 Fold: 3 Score: 0.700
 Fold: 4 Score: 0.900
 Fold: 5 Score: 0.600
Overall accuracy: 66.00% (SD=13.56%)

Leave-one-gesture-out cross validation

Let's put it all together and run the cross validation on each gesture set.

In [65]:
(list_of_feature_vectors, feature_names) = extract_features_from_gesture_sets(map_gesture_sets.values(),

map_gesturer_scores = dict()
verbose = False
for test_gesture_set in map_gesture_sets.values():
    if verbose:
        print(f"Testing gesture set: {test_gesture_set.name}")
    df = pd.DataFrame(list_of_feature_vectors, columns = feature_names)
    trial_indices = df.pop("trial_num")
    just_test_gesturer = df.loc[df['gesturer'] == test_gesture_set.name]
    just_test_gesturer_y_true = just_test_gesturer.pop('gesture')
    gesturer = df.pop('gesturer')

    # Remember, if you want to control the same splits across different runs
    # Set random_state to an integer (which will set the random seed)
    # This is really important if you are trying to evaluate how different
    # features, models, and parameters compare
    skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=None)
    scores = []
    for train_index, test_index in skf.split(just_test_gesturer, just_test_gesturer_y_true):
        # The training set is everything but the test indices for this fold
        df_training = df.drop(test_index)

        # Setup the training and test DataFrames
        X_train = df_training
        y_train = df_training.pop('gesture')
        X_test = just_test_gesturer.iloc[test_index]
        y_test = just_test_gesturer_y_true.iloc[test_index]

        # Scale data first
        scaler = StandardScaler()
        X_train = scaler.transform(X_train)
        X_test = scaler.transform(X_test)

        # Score
        clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear')
        clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
        score = clf.score(X_test, y_test)
        if verbose:
            print(f" Fold: {len(scores)} Score: {score:.3f}")

    map_gesturer_scores[test_gesture_set.name] = scores

map_gesturer_avg_score = dict()
avg_scores = []
for gesturer_name, scores in map_gesturer_scores.items():
    print(f"{gesturer_name}: {np.mean(scores) * 100:0.2f}% (SD={np.std(scores) * 100:0.2f})%")
    map_gesturer_avg_score[gesturer_name] = np.mean(scores)

avg_score = np.mean(list(map_gesturer_avg_score.values())) * 100
std_score = np.std(list(map_gesturer_avg_score.values())) * 100
print(f"Overall accuracy: {avg_score:0.2f}% (SD={std_score:0.2f}%)")
AGestures: 42.00% (SD=4.00)%
AlexandraGestures: 52.00% (SD=7.48)%
AlexisGestures: 56.00% (SD=4.90)%
AnjaliGestures: 70.00% (SD=0.00)%
BrettGestures: 48.00% (SD=9.80)%
BryanGestures: 48.00% (SD=11.66)%
ClayGestures: 52.00% (SD=9.80)%
DustinGestures: 58.00% (SD=7.48)%
EmmaGestures: 48.00% (SD=4.00)%
JaeHGestures: 56.00% (SD=8.00)%
JasonGestures: 46.00% (SD=8.00)%
JonGestures: 64.00% (SD=16.25)%
JuliaBGestures: 50.00% (SD=8.94)%
JustinGestures: 66.00% (SD=8.00)%
MattCGestures: 60.00% (SD=16.73)%
MikaelGestures: 52.00% (SD=7.48)%
NanGestures: 58.00% (SD=7.48)%
NeilGestures: 52.00% (SD=9.80)%
NickGestures: 52.00% (SD=4.00)%
NooseGestures: 44.00% (SD=4.90)%
OjasviGestures: 48.00% (SD=9.80)%
Paf2Gestures: 54.00% (SD=4.90)%
SamuelRGestures: 54.00% (SD=14.97)%
ShaunGestures: 42.00% (SD=7.48)%
StacyGestures: 40.00% (SD=8.94)%
ThweidGestures: 54.00% (SD=10.20)%
WolfGestures: 60.00% (SD=6.32)%
Overall accuracy: 52.81% (SD=7.21%)
In [86]:
graph_title = f"Cross-user LeaveOneGestureTrialOut | Overall accuracy: {avg_score:0.2f}% (SD={std_score:0.2f}%)"
plot_bar_graph(map_gesturer_avg_score, title=graph_title)

Jon's sandbox/notes

In [ ]: