These instructions are for the Adafruit 128x64 OLED graphic display. You can follow the official Adafruit tutorial here.

Install Arduino libraries

Step 1: Open Manage Libraries in Arduino IDE file menu

Screenshot of selecting Tools->Manage Libraries... from Arduino IDE file menu

Step 2: Search for and install Adafruit SSD1306

Search for and install the Adafruit SSD1306 library.

Screenshot searching for Adafruit SSD1306 library in Arduino IDE Library Manager

Step 3: Install all dependencies

When asked, install all SSD1306 library dependencies:

Load and run sample code

Once the SSD1306 library and dependencies have been installed, wire up and test out the display using the ssd1306_128x64 example code.

Screenshot of using Arduino IDE file menu to load the SSD1306 sample code



SPI vs. I2C

  • SPI is much faster:

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