Lesson 4: Analog input

Table of Contents

  1. Materials
  2. The ADC on the ESP32
    1. ADC2 Restrictions
  3. Let’s make something!
    1. The circuit
    2. The code
    3. Workbench video
  4. Next Lesson

In this lesson, we’ll learn how to use analog input on the ESP32 by building a potentiometer-based LED fader.

Animation of using a potentiometer to fade an LED on the ESP32


You’ll need the same materials as the last lesson but also a 10kΩ trim potentiometer.

Breadboard ESP32 LED Resistor Trimpot
Breadboard Huzzah32 Red LED 220 Ohm Resistor Image of 10KOhm trimpot
Breadboard Huzzah32 Red LED 220Ω Resistor 10kΩ Trimpot

The ADC on the ESP32

The ATmega chips used by the Arduino Uno (ATmega328) and the Arduino Leonardo (ATmega32U4) both have 10-bit ADCs, which provide an analog-to-digital resolution of \(2^{10}=1024\).

In constrast, the ESP32 integrates two 12-bit ADCs (resolution: \(2^{12}=4096\)) supporting a total of 18 measurement channels (analog enabled pins). The official ESP32 docs are here.

Huzzah32 pin diagram The ADC pins are marked in teal. Right-click and open image in a new tab to zoom in.

The pin assignments:

  • ADC1 has 8 channels attached to GPIO pins 32-39, which translates to A7 (32), A9 (33), A2 (34), A4 (36), and A3 (39); The GPIO pins are in parentheses. Note that GPIO 35, 37, and 38 are not exposed on the Huzzah32.
  • ADC2 has 10 channels attached to GPIOs 0, 2, 4, 12 - 15 and 25 - 27, which translates to A5(4), A11 (12), A12 (13), A6 (14), A8 (15), A1 (25), A0 (26), A10 (27). The GPIO pins 0, 2, are not exposed on the Huzzah32.

So, in total, the Huzzah32 has 13 usable analog inputs (A0-A12).

ADC2 Restrictions

ADC2 has some restrictions:

  1. ADC2 is used by the Wi-Fi driver, so ADC2 is only usable when the Wi-Fi driver has not started.
  2. Three of the ADC2 pins are strapping pins and thus should be used with caution. Strapping pins are used during power-on/reset to configure the device boot mode, the operating voltage, and other initial settings (link)

Importantly, the official Adafruit docs for the Huzzah32 are confusing: they state that “you can only read analog inputs on ADC #1 once WiFi has started”. Through experimentation and a Reddit post, we found that Adafruit intended to say simply that ADC#2 is unavailable once WiFi has started (so you can only use ADC#1).

In the following video, I’m testing all 13 analog input pins (A0 - A12) using a trim potentiometer for input and the Serial Plotter for output. WiFi is off and, indeed, all pins work.

Let’s make something!

Let’s make a potentiometer-based LED fader.

The circuit

The circuit is almost the same as the previous lessons; however, we need to add and hook up a potentiometer. So, we’ll build two simple circuits:

  1. The input circuit using the potentiometer, which we’ll hook to A6 (GPIO 14)
  2. The output circuit, which is the same as the previous lessons

Circuit diagram and schematic for potentiometer-based fader

The code

The code simply adapts our LED fade code from the previous lesson to use the potentiometer’s analog input value on A6 to control the PWM duty cycle (rather than looping up and down).

Here’s our implementation on github:

This source code is on GitHub.

Workbench video

Here’s a workbench video with serial plotter graphing the analog input value from the potentiometer and the converted duty cycle value used in the ledcWrite method.

Next Lesson

In the next lesson, we will learn how to play tones on the ESP32.

Previous: Fading an LED with ESP32 Next: Playing tones

This website was developed by Professor Jon E. Froehlich and the Makeability Lab using Just the Docs. If you found the website useful or use it in your teaching, we'd love to hear from you: jonf@cs.uw.edu. This website and all code is open source (website GitHub, Arduino GitHub, p5js GitHub). You can find the MakeabilityLab_Arduino_Library here. Found an error? File a GitHub Issue.