UW Physical Computing Courses
Table of Contents
There are a wide range of physical computing related courses at UW across many departments from Art to Engineering. Here’s a sample (ordered alphabetically by course number).
Many of the 400 level courses are open to both ugrads and grads. In DXARTS, for example, the split is roughly 60% ugrad and 40% grad.
CSE 466: Software for Embedded Systems taught by Bruce Hemingway.
CSE 474: Introduction to Embedded Systems taught by Bruce Hemingway.
CSE 475: Embedded Systems Capstone taught by Bruce Hemingway.
DESIGN 325: Physical Computing taught by Dominic Muren in the Schol of Art, Art History and Design.
DXARTS 470: Sensing and Control for Interactive Environments in Digital Arts and Experimental Media.
DXARTS 471: Mechatronic Art, Design, and Fabrication I taught by Afroditi Psarra in Digital Arts and Experimental Media.
DXARTS 472: Mechatronic Art, Design, and Fabrication II taught by Afroditi Psarra in Digital Arts and Experimental Media.
DXARTS 490A: E-Textiles & Wearables for Art & Design taught by Afroditi Psarra in Digital Arts and Experimental Media.
HCDE 439: Physical Computing taught by Nadya Peek, Brock Craft, and Andy Davidson.
HCDE 440: Advanced Physical Computing taught by Brock Craft.
CSE 599: Prototyping Interactive Systems taught by Jon E. Froehlich
HCDE 539: Physical Computing taught by Andy Davidson
HCID521: Prototyping Studio co-taught by a variety of faculty across Art, Design, and Engineering, including Andy Davidson (HCDE), Michael Smith (Art, Art History, Design), Jen Mankoff (CSE), and Jon E. Froehlich (CSE). This course is closed enrollment (only offered to M+HCID students).